Difference between revisions of "User manual information"

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Revision as of 07:58, 7 March 2005

This is mainly a scratchpad to begin working out the UserManual. We can post ideas and fragments of text up here, but the real deal will be in CVS so that it can be checked out and worked on.

Why not write the manual here? Use wiki as a versioning & collaboration tool -- that's what it's for :) You can then use a script to turn raw wiki pages into whatever format you need for the distribution

Currently in CVS there is a manual (or beginnings of a manual) that was written in French for SodiPodi. Has anyone looked at it? What are your thoughts?

  • VectorAndBitmap
  • [IllustratorUsers Inkscape for Illustrator Converts]
  • TricksAndTips
  • KeyboardShortcuts
  • InkscapeColor

We need to work now on an update of this Manual and have a specific version for Inkscape.

  • Queries about Manual can be added here or sent to cedric@le-radar.com

Inkscape tutorial paginated for printing

In SVG, each page is a layer. Make one page visible and others invisble. (The Wiki would not accept the PDF because the files are too big.)

These tutorials were adapted from Inkscape 0.41.

  • upload:inkscape-tutorial-basic.svgz
  • upload:inkscape-tutorial-shapes.svgz

Where can I find the latest update?

How to Help

  • Adding new information to the manual : write your files in docbook or in plain text that we'll convert (please follow guidelines)
  • translating pages
  • contact a contributor or add your name in the follow list and have a look at the WIP


Cedricmain contributorcedric at le-radar.com
Johnuthor and fr/gb translation
Ernestospanish translation celise at prodigy.net.mx
Antonioitalian translation antonio.angelo at poste.it
Bryceenglish translation/editing bryce at bryceharrington.com
Kevinenglish translation/editing inkscape.docs at wixsonit.com