User manual information

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There exist a number of comprehensive manuals for Inkscape:

An always up-to-date list is available at the main Inkscape website.


  1. Join Documenation Chat
  2. Familiarize yourself with lates up to date manuals
  3. Introduce yourself on chat and tell us what you want to do so we can avoid duplicating work
  4. Ask on the list how you can start to contribute.

Here is a hint: we try to use as much content from release notes as possible, since last 5-6 ones were written in a very much verbose way.

An old To-Do list for the manual is available here.


We very much welcome translations of the manual. Please join the inkscape-docs mailing list and tell us about yourself.

So far we have established the following translations “zones”:

It's best to team up with several people and coordinate your efforts.

We still haven't decided how to provide source SVG files in most comfortable way to make localization of illustrations easy. Ideas are welcome.

Note that French translation is placed in a different zone, because it's mostly ready. As soon as each translation is close to completeness, it is moved to its own subdomain too.


A few of these are no longer active on the Inkscape project.

  • Relsi Ramone — Contributor for Brazilian Portuguese — relsi.ramone at
  • Cedric Gemy — Contributor in French — cedric.gemy at
  • Elisa — Contributor in French — elisa at
  • John — Author and French/British translation
  • Ernesto — Spanish translation — celise at
  • Antonio — Italian translation — antonio.angelo at
  • Bryce — English translation/editing — bryce at
  • Kevin — English translation/editing — at
  • Colin Marquardt — Volunteer for a German translation from English, help with xml2po if needed; especially interested in Embedded Help.
  • vonHalenbach-de — Volunteer for a translation of pygmees manual from English to German
  • Alexandre Prokoudine — Volunteer for a translation into Russian
  • Sylvain Chiron — Volunteer for a translation into French
