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* Meeting 2016-12-02: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10484/ | * Meeting 2016-12-02: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10484/ | ||
* Meeting 2017-01-06: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10582/ | * Meeting 2017-01-06: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10582/ | ||
* Archive of all transcripts: https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=pastebin/?q=meeting&order=-edited |
Revision as of 17:49, 26 January 2017
Place and Time
We meet in #inkscape-devel on freenode.
Board meetings are typically the first Friday of each month.
Everybody in the Inkscape community is invited to participate.
Next meeting: Noon PST/15:00 DMT (DoctorMonTime)/21:00 CET, (click for world clock), Fri, January 6th, 2017.
Meetings should be announced in advance on inkscape-devel and inkscape-board mailing lists.
- Merchandise sales [bryce, Mc]
- Spreadshirt account now ready to go
- Need volunteers to set up and administer the Inkscape shop
- Self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress, Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc-]
- √ Investigate how you setup where your money goes
- √ Register an 'Inkscape Admin' account on the site (and add credentials to our credentials repo)
- Need to define our designs (SVG). Maybe official "about" images, inkscape logo, etc. just to start
- Maybe arrange things to give some cash back to original authors, esp. for about screen images
- Upload a few designs
- Decide on a price to set
- Convince people to buy the items
- Can set up a "shop" for your brand
- Mc- will help work on getting this set up
- Followup to sponsorship level [bryce]
- Need to add mention of the five levels onto the Sponsor page
- c.f. https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/34460338/
- Inkscape forum followup
- Mesh gradient feature followup [tav]
- LGM 2017 (Rio de Janeiro: April 20-23 [dates not final]) [ted]
- Funded development [bryce]
- Are the three projects still relevant? Yes
- Identify Manager/Reviewer/Second for each of the jobs
- How should we advertise the jobs?
- Next hackfest
- GSoC 2017 [tav]
- JavaScript "extensions"
- Polyfills
- Coordinate inversion
- Remove dependence on garbage collector
- etc.
- Other Business
Action Items
- svg 2.0:
- √
Land GUI changes for enabling meshgradients for 0.92.x[Tavmjong] - √
Release a pre3 with meshgradients[bryce] - Look at warning/cleaning for "plain svg" [doctormo]
- √
- Merchandise Sales
- Get doctormo and prkos added as shopkeepers
- Future hackfests
- 0.93 oriented hackfest [Tavmjong] HackfestGtk3 Hackfest_0.93
- Location and time highly TBD
- Tav will brainstorm on wiki about what it might look like
- SCALE oriented event [scislac]
- Maybe could include class on contributing/hacking on inkscape (JonCruz suggestion)
- Hackfest organizational tips
- Process: Have folks propose options, and then trade off cost projections and benefits
- Try to organize group lodging (same hotel, rented/air-bnb house, http://www.linuxhotel.de/community.en.html, etc.)
- Send a scout ahead of time to help avoid slummy accommodations
- Catered lunches help keep everyone focused (we're already reimbursing on lunches, so cost differential isn't huge, and it saves hassle all around)
- Boots on the ground at a location can be a huge help if plans go awry
- Prefer locations with local inkscape community on the ground
- 0.93 oriented hackfest [Tavmjong] HackfestGtk3 Hackfest_0.93
- Fundraising
- Need to engage a few more fund raising efforts, esp. with release as a goal
- Forum
- inkscapeforum is overwhelmed by moderation actions required (spam mostly), roughly 4000 new per month (50 spams per valid message), and lacks adequate active administrators
- √
Contact inkscapeforum (deadline next Board meeting)[Scislac]- √
Maybe request database dump (and maybe site tarball). - If we can get a DB dump, consider feasibility of simply transplanting the phpBB
- √
- √
Establish an "Inkscape Forum Exploratory Committee" to lay groundwork in case we need to establish our own Inkscape-managed forum- √
Recruit 3-5 folks for this committee. Ask Brynn to chair.[Bryce] - √
Evaluate pros/cons of potential forum software candidates- Are there DJango forums plugins as functional as phpBB?
- Consider benefits of tight/loose integration with our Django website vs. something standalone
- Consider hosting requirements (OSUOSL or elsewhere??)
- Consider administrative requirements for maintaining/upgrading software
- Plan the chartering of a moderation team
- Plan steps for curtailing spam. E.g. akismet, req. account to post; auto-ban spammer accounts; etc.
- Plan steps for customizing the forum site design appearance / style
- Present a recommended course of action
- √
- Credentials management for board members and administrators [bryce]
- GPG keys
- Policy on website credential access
- List of administrators needing credential access
- Setting up a shared project administrative account for various services
- Check that our credentials escrow includes √
twitter, facebook, Inkscape forum admin, and IRC moderation keys [bryce]
- Finalization of Budget 2016 [bryce]
- Update the budget, see what $$ remains in the hackfest fund [bryce]
- Funded development [bryce]
- Add a C++-11 conversion project with tasks detailed to the Roadmap for 0.93 or later. [valavanisalex]
- Regularly check sponsor ads / sponsor mentions on the website (Advance Systems: added Dec 9th, 2016)
Blocked Action Items
- Privacy Policy [drmo] ~ Blocked waiting on time availability by SFC
- Amend CoC reporting section ~ Waiting until we have a dedicated email, e.g. abuse@inkscape.org
- Rekindle release process for 0.91.1 [scislac]
- Verify large donation landed in our account, and then confirm and followup with Scislac for next steps on recognition, etc. [bryce]
- (No sign of it having landed...)
Past Agenda Items
- √
Make mention of the code of conduct on the mailing list and website[bryce] - √
Brainstorm future hackfests- Focused hackfests? Possible topics: 0.92 release, GTK3.
- √
Followup to GPLv2+ licensing[tweenk] - √
Followup to CoC work - √<a>Arrange vote on GPLv2+ board statement [bryce]
- √
GSoC 2016 kickoff[scislac] - √
Debrief from Hackfest 2016: Leeds[valavanisalex] - √
New agenda for next month[bryce] - √
Post meeting minutes[scislac] - √
Arrange vote on Leeds hackfest proposal[bryce] - √
Identify who has not registered their GPG keys for credentials access, that should[bryce] - √
Prepare for GSoC 2016 project application- √
Get Project Suggestions list ready for GSoC[bryce] - √
Send bryce list of required details for Project Suggestions page[scislac] - √
Submit mentoring application (opens Feb 8th, deadline Feb 19th)[scislac] - √
Solicit mentors to be pre-assigned to project ideas (tweenk & tav already volunteered)[scislac]
- √
- √
Contact GIMP developers about licensing of GPLv3+ code included in Inkscape[tweenk] - √
GPLv2+[tweenk]- √
tweenk will followup regarding resolution of remaining licensing issues
- √
- √
Rekindle release process for 0.92. Need to complete cmake work, enter feature freeze, and announce timeline for finishing the release[bryce]
- Meeting 2014-09-15: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/392/
- Meeting 2014-09-29: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/854/
- Meeting 2014-10-08: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/950/
- Meeting 2014-10-15: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/1436/
- Meeting 2014-11-05: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/2204/
- Meeting 2014-11-12: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/2210/
- Meeting 2014-11-19: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/2216/
- Meeting 2014-11-26: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/2498/
- Meeting 2015-10-02: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/6701/
- Meeting 2015-11-06: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/6886/
- Meeting 2015-12-04: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/7056/
- Meeting 2016-01-08: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/7276/
- Meeting 2016-04-01: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9565/
- Meeting 2016-05-06: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9563/
- Meeting 2016-06-03: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9667/
- Meeting 2016-07-08: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9766/
- Meeting 2016-08-05: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9864/
- Meeting 2016-09-02: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/9971/
- Meeting 2016-11-04: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10241/
- Meeting 2016-12-02: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10484/
- Meeting 2017-01-06: transcript https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/10582/
- Archive of all transcripts: https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/=pastebin/?q=meeting&order=-edited