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== Other Useful Links ==
This page was last updated in 2009, and thus some of the programs it references may no longer be under active development. If you can help updating the page, please contact the [https://inkscape.org/en/community/mailing-lists/ Inkscape developers mailing list, or the docs mailing list].
* [http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~clm/csvg/extension.html CSVG]
* [http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/research/OandCS/research/researchinterests/constraintbasedgraphics.html  Constraint Based Graphics]
* [http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tildeProgLang/Java/PolyFit/ Polygonal Fit]
== Inkscape Plugins, Scripts, and Templates ==
* [http://ccins.camosun.bc.ca/~jbritton/jbsymteslk.htm Symmetry and Tessellations]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkboard Inkboard] (development discontinued) plans to add a shared whiteboard function to Inkscape via XMPP (used by Jabber). With Inkboard, a local copy of a diagram can be edited "live" by other users you are chatting with.
* [http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/1.0/ GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)]
* [http://www.digitalunleashed.com/giving.php SVGSlice] allows a high-quality SVG image to be directly sliced into bitmap graphics.
* [http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/ SVG Specification]
* [http://recusantmind.50webs.com/ Inkscape Extension for Linerider]: allows Inkscape to read and write [http://linerider.com/ LineRider] (.sol) files; can draw straight lines, beziers, zooming, erasing, modifying nodes, text, shapes and other drawings.
* [http://www.codeproject.com/books/learnsvgchapter07.asp SVG Tutorial]
* [http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-svgxf2/ SVG and XForms]
* [http://www.svg.org svg.org community]
* [http://www.svg.org/wiki/ow.asp?SvgArticles SVG Articles]

== Similar Applications ==
== Similar Applications ==

=== Free ===
=== Free ===
* [[SodiPodi]]
==== graphics ====
* [[Beez]] SVG animation software for win32
* [[SodiPodi]] (discontinued)
* [[Karbon14]] (Koffice)
* [[OpenDraw]]
* [[Sketch|Skencil (formerly known as Sketch)]]
* [http://www.tuxpaint.org/ Tuxpaint] A child bitmap painting tool supporting SVG stamps and graphics. (GNU/GPL License)
==== page layout ====
* [[Abiword]] support SVG import/export with [[librsvg]].
* [http://scribus.net/ Scribus Home Page] (Contacts: irc.freenode.net #scribus )
==== animation ====
* [[Beez]] SVG animation software for Win32, written in Delphi. "As of 2004-09-30 07:29, this project is no longer under active development."
* [[The Gimp gfig]]
* [[mvComicsMaker]] vector + bitmap animation (not maintened since several years).
* [http://software.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/01/17/2056255&from=rss Synfig] Synfig is a two-dimensional vector animation studio, similar to the commercial product [[Moho]].
* [[KToon]]
*[http://www.les-stooges.org/pascal/pencil/ Pencil] free software (GPL) that support SVG import, manage bitmap/vector animation, serveral layers, drawing with tablet pressure, onionskin, export as flash SWF, movie, image sequence.
==== diagrams ====
* [[Dia]] (more for diagrams, less for illustrations)
* [[Kivio]] (Koffice)
* [[Xfig]]
* [http://glipssvgeditor.sourceforge.net/ GLIPS Graffiti]
==== Graphic notepad ====
* [http://www.adebenham.com/gournal/ Gournal] a gnome2-perl graphic and text notepad using SVG as fileformat.
* [http://java-notelab.sourceforge.net/ java-notebook] a java graphic and text notepad using SVG as fileformat
==== Colors ====
* [http://home.gna.org/colorscheme/ Agave] A simple GNOME application for generating colorschemes in the .gpl (Gimp palette format, not the license) Inkscape/Gimp compatible format. (GNU/GPL License)
* [http://www.littlecms.com/ [[LittleCMS]] Home Page] Color Management System
==== Fonts ====
[[FontForge]] [http://fontforge.sourceforge.net FontForge Home Page]
** Vector font editor and converter most bitmap/vector font format (ps,TTF,Type1 OpenType...)
** Can load/save SVG fonts
** Can import SVG curves to create characters.
** Interesting feature that could be imported in inkscape: allow to modify curves by draging the curve itself.
**(feature needed - an utility can be distributed with [[FontForge]] - an open .ttf viewer and printer like [[KeyTypeBook]] for MacOS Classic (7.0 to 9.6) )
**(w32 [[MinGW]] version (instead of Cygwin) of [[FontForge]] is missing)
==== Conversion ====
* [http://www.imagemagick.org/script/magick-vector-graphics.php Magick Vector Graphics] An interesting suite of programs which handle SVG and have the flavour of Image Magick. (GNU/GPL License)
* [http://wvware.sourceforge.net/libwmf.html Libwmf]  provide the wmf2svg script we use for the extension.
* [http://thunder.prohosting.com/~rshi/svg/ ps2svg] A nice ps to svg converter written in postscript. Cannot handle text.
* [http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk/pdf2svg.html pdf2svg] A very useful pdf to svg converter.  (GNU/GPL, requires Poppler and Cairo)
* [http://fig2vect.sourceforge.net fig2vect] convert from fig format (used by Xfig) to several formats including SVG (BSD license).
* [http://freshmeat.net/projects/fti2svg.pl fti2svg.pl] A perl script to convert SGI Irix .fti vector-based icons to SVG. (License : proprietary with sources)
* [[UniConverter]] [http://sourceforge.net/projects/uniconvertor/ UniConverter] is in some way a substitution to Vectorsection. Currently it's based on [http://sk1.sourceforge.net sK1] code, but soon will be separated so that other applications could easier reuse it.
=== Non-free ===
* [[Cenon]]
* [[Cenon]]
* [[Dia]] (more for diagrams, less for illustrations)
* [[Gestalter]]
* [[Gestalter]]
* [[The Gimp gfig]]
* [[Karbon14]]
* [http://glipssvgeditor.sourceforge.net/ GLIPS Graffiti]
* [[mvComicsMaker]] vector + bitmap animation (not maintened since several years).
* [[OpenDraw]]
* [[Sketch|Skencil (formerly known as Sketch)]]
* [[Tgif]]
* [[Tgif]]
* [[Xfig]]
* [[Kivio]]

=== Other ===
* [[AdobeIllustrator10]]
==== Drawing ====
* [[Adobe Illustrator]]
* [[CorelDraw]]
* [[CorelDraw]]
* [[MacromediaFreehand]]
* [[MacromediaFreehand]]
* [[JascWebDraw]]
* [[JascWebDraw]]
* [[Xara X]]
* [[Xara X]]
* [[MicrosoftVisio]]
* [[Expression]]
* [[Expression]]
* [[Sketsa]]
* [http://www.macromedia.com/software/fireworks/ Macromedia Fireworks] Raster graphics for the web; infrastructure shared with other Macromedia software means it works very much like a Vector Graphics program.  More comparable to Adobe [[ImageReady]], but Fireworks is very specifically designed for effecient creation of web graphics. 
==== Animation ====
* [[Ikivo Animator]] from [[Ikivo]] is an application that enables designing animated content for mobile devices. Most impressive is the integrated device pro-viewing for guaranteed content accuracy.
* [[MacromediaFlash]]
* [[MacromediaFlash]]
* [[Moho]]
* [[Moho]] Moho is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application.
* [[theTAB]]
* [[theTAB]] The TAB 2.2 Lite is an entry level animation application, intended for creating cartoons.
==== Digrams ====
* [[MicrosoftVisio]]
==== Colors ====
* [http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html Color Schemer] A specialized tool for working with colors (for creating color schemes, finding harmonious colors, etc). The link is to an online version of the software.
==== math ====
* [http://www.maa.org/editorial/mathgames/mathgames_08_01_05.html  Vector vs Raster] A comprehensive list of 67 Vector-based programs. 32 of the drawing programs support SVG.
==== Other ====
* [[XStudio]]
* [[XStudio]]
* [[Sketsa]]
* [[MacromediaFireworks]]
* [[Beatware Mobile Designer]]
* [[Beatware Mobile Designer]]
* [[Real Draw Pro]]
== Viewers ==

== Co-Projects ==
=== Adobe SVG Viewer ===
* Website
** [http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html Download Page] updated to v3.03 04/2005
== Browsers supporting SVG ==
=== Konqueror web browser ===
* Website
** [http://www.konqueror.org/] The Konqueror KDE web browser support SVG via librsvg plugin (see below).

=== Mozilla SVG ===
=== Mozilla/Firefox SVG ===

* Website(s)
* Website(s)
** [http://www.mozilla.org/projects/svg/ Official Mozilla SVG Project]
** [http://www.mozilla.org/projects/svg/ Official Mozilla SVG Project]
** [http://www.croczilla.com/svg/ http://www.croczilla.com/svg/]
** [http://www.croczilla.com/svg/ http://www.croczilla.com/svg/]
** [http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~mohrr/firefox-svg.html Builds of Firefox with SVG Support]
* As of 26 April 2005, [http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/chase/archives/2005/04/svg_here_we_com.html SVG is now enabled in the Firefox trunk nightlies] (read comments on activation).  To get a Firefox-SVG version, you can:
** [http://pryan.org/mozilla/firefox/mozjf/ Win32 Builds of Firefox with SVG Support]
** [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Get_and_compile_the_source Build directly from CVS source]
** [http://www.mozilla.org/developer/#builds Download automated builds]
** [http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=42 Download "Third Party/Unofficial" builds]
* Cairo will [http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mt/mt-search.cgi?IncludeBlogs=36&search=cairo replace the graphics engine] in 1.9+.
* Contact
** irc.mozilla.org #svg
=== Opera Webbrowser SVG Support ===
* Website(s)
** [http://www.opera.com/docs/specs/#graphics "Opera 8 supports an extension of SVG 1.1 Tiny that includes opacity, font handling, and animation."]
** [http://www.opera.com/support/search/supsearch.dml?index=466 Opera KB:Installing the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin]
** [http://my.opera.com/forums/showthread.php?s=680b539088b7de23ad238c32a4303e39&threadid=88098&highlight=svg "[[AdobeSVGViewer]] not working in Version 8"]

* Contact
* Contact
** irc.mozilla.org #svg
** http://my.opera.com/forums/
== Mobile phones ==
There are millions of phones sold with SVGt 1.1 support and the SVGt 1.2 phones will soon hit the market.
* Websites
** [http://www.svg.org/special/svg_phones A growing list at svg.org]
** [http://www.ikivo.com/02player_phones.html Phones with the Ikivo Player]
** [http://developer.sonyericsson.com/site/global/docstools/multimedia/p_multimedia.jsp Sony Ericsson developer site] include SVG guidelines (Inkscape is in the list of recommended tools).
=== See Also ===
[http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/SVG-Implementations.htm8 SVG Implementations] at the [[W3C]] - Inkscape is not on their list, but Sodipodi is.
[[SVGGeneralInformation]] on a separate page.
== Transcribers[[/Platform]] Optimizers ==
* [http://www.plazmic.com./en/products/index.shtml plazmic] ([[BlackBerry]])
== Co-Projects ==
=== Open Clip Art Library ===
* Website(s)
** [http://www.openclipart.org/ SVG clipart library]
* Contact
** irc.freenode.net #openclipart

Line 63: Line 166:
* Website(s)
* Website(s)
** [http://cairographics.org/ Official Cairo Project]
** [http://cairographics.org/ Official Cairo Project]
* Contact
* Contact
** irc.freenode.net #cairo
** irc.freenode.net #cairo
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* Website(s)
* Website(s)
** [http://xsvg.org/ Official XSVG Project]
** [http://cairographics.org/snapshots/ XSVG Project sources]

=== librsvg ===
=== librsvg ===

* Website(s)
* Website
** [http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/ Official librsvg Project]
** [http://librsvg.sourceforge.net/ Official librsvg Project]
  (version >= 2.8 include a good mozilla SVG plugin)
  (version >= 2.8 include a good mozilla SVG plugin)
* Contact
* Contact
** irc.gnome.org #librsvg or irc.gimp.org #librsvg
** irc.gnome.org #librsvg or irc.gimp.org #librsvg

=== Scribus ===
=== wxSVG ===
* Website(s)
* Website
** [http://scribus.net/ Scribus Home Page]
** [http://wxsvg.sourceforge.net wxSVG]
* Contact
* Description
** irc.freenode.net #scribus
** A c++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG, for the wx toolkit.

=== LittleCMS ===
=== Qt ===
* Website
* Website
** [http://www.littlecms.com/ LittleCMS Home Page]
** [http://www.trolltech.com Qt Software]
* Contact
* Description
** mailing list on sourceforge.net
** The documentation states, "Qt supports the static features of SVG 1.2 Tiny.  ECMA scripts and DOM manipulation are currently not supported."  Support for rendering is provided via QSvgRenderer, and writing support via QSvgGenerator.
=== [[VectorSection|VectorSection]] ===
*[http://vectorsection.org/ VectorSection] is an open-source collection of programs which form a universal vector-graphics translation system
=== [[Libcaca]] ===
*[http://libcaca.zoy.org/ libcaca] (Colour AsCii Art library) is a library and a set of tools to convert pictures and video to colored ascii art. It allow to export rendered color ascii art to SVG, PNG, ANSI colored text, HTML and PS.
=== GD::SVG perl module ===
*[http://search.cpan.org/~twh/GD-SVG-0.28/SVG.pm GD::SVG] allow any perl script using GD API to render graphics to render SVG using cairo instead of traditional GD bitmap by only replacing 'Use GD' by 'Use GD::SVG' and 'GD::Image->new();' by 'GD::SVG::Image->new();'
=== Ruby ===
There is at least 4 libs to manipulate/render SVG in Ruby :
Two for managing SVG generally
* [http://ruby-svg.sourceforge.jp/ Ruby-SVG]
* [http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ ruby-gnome2] contain a libRSVG binding for Ruby
And two more specialized in graph :
* [http://scruffy.rubyforge.org/ Scruffy]
* [http://www.germane-software.com/software/SVG/SVG::Graph/ SVG::Graph]

=== ps2svg ===
== Note ==
(BEN) This page is now rather long, it should be split up ...<br>
(TomB) agreed; some of the bullet points can be condensed (blank lines removed), & links directly about Inkscape can be put in a new page<br>
(BEN) Please remove references to Uberconverter soonest

A nice ps to svg converter written in postscript. Cannot handle text.
[[Category:Developer Documentation]]
[[Category:Needs Work]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 15 March 2016

This page was last updated in 2009, and thus some of the programs it references may no longer be under active development. If you can help updating the page, please contact the Inkscape developers mailing list, or the docs mailing list.

Inkscape Plugins, Scripts, and Templates

  • Inkboard (development discontinued) plans to add a shared whiteboard function to Inkscape via XMPP (used by Jabber). With Inkboard, a local copy of a diagram can be edited "live" by other users you are chatting with.
  • SVGSlice allows a high-quality SVG image to be directly sliced into bitmap graphics.
  • Inkscape Extension for Linerider: allows Inkscape to read and write LineRider (.sol) files; can draw straight lines, beziers, zooming, erasing, modifying nodes, text, shapes and other drawings.

Similar Applications



page layout


  • Beez SVG animation software for Win32, written in Delphi. "As of 2004-09-30 07:29, this project is no longer under active development."
  • The Gimp gfig
  • mvComicsMaker vector + bitmap animation (not maintened since several years).
  • Synfig Synfig is a two-dimensional vector animation studio, similar to the commercial product Moho.
  • KToon
  • Pencil free software (GPL) that support SVG import, manage bitmap/vector animation, serveral layers, drawing with tablet pressure, onionskin, export as flash SWF, movie, image sequence.


Graphic notepad

  • Gournal a gnome2-perl graphic and text notepad using SVG as fileformat.
  • java-notebook a java graphic and text notepad using SVG as fileformat


  • Agave A simple GNOME application for generating colorschemes in the .gpl (Gimp palette format, not the license) Inkscape/Gimp compatible format. (GNU/GPL License)
  • LittleCMS Home Page Color Management System


FontForge FontForge Home Page

    • Vector font editor and converter most bitmap/vector font format (ps,TTF,Type1 OpenType...)
    • Can load/save SVG fonts
    • Can import SVG curves to create characters.
    • Interesting feature that could be imported in inkscape: allow to modify curves by draging the curve itself.
    • (feature needed - an utility can be distributed with FontForge - an open .ttf viewer and printer like KeyTypeBook for MacOS Classic (7.0 to 9.6) )
    • (w32 MinGW version (instead of Cygwin) of FontForge is missing)


  • Magick Vector Graphics An interesting suite of programs which handle SVG and have the flavour of Image Magick. (GNU/GPL License)
  • Libwmf provide the wmf2svg script we use for the extension.
  • ps2svg A nice ps to svg converter written in postscript. Cannot handle text.
  • pdf2svg A very useful pdf to svg converter. (GNU/GPL, requires Poppler and Cairo)
  • fig2vect convert from fig format (used by Xfig) to several formats including SVG (BSD license).
  • fti2svg.pl A perl script to convert SGI Irix .fti vector-based icons to SVG. (License : proprietary with sources)
  • UniConverter UniConverter is in some way a substitution to Vectorsection. Currently it's based on sK1 code, but soon will be separated so that other applications could easier reuse it.




  • Ikivo Animator from Ikivo is an application that enables designing animated content for mobile devices. Most impressive is the integrated device pro-viewing for guaranteed content accuracy.
  • MacromediaFlash
  • Moho Moho is a 2D vector-based cartoon animation application.
  • theTAB The TAB 2.2 Lite is an entry level animation application, intended for creating cartoons.



  • Color Schemer A specialized tool for working with colors (for creating color schemes, finding harmonious colors, etc). The link is to an online version of the software.


  • Vector vs Raster A comprehensive list of 67 Vector-based programs. 32 of the drawing programs support SVG.



Adobe SVG Viewer

Browsers supporting SVG

Konqueror web browser

  • Website
    • [1] The Konqueror KDE web browser support SVG via librsvg plugin (see below).

Mozilla/Firefox SVG

Opera Webbrowser SVG Support

Mobile phones

There are millions of phones sold with SVGt 1.1 support and the SVGt 1.2 phones will soon hit the market.

See Also

SVG Implementations at the W3C - Inkscape is not on their list, but Sodipodi is.

SVGGeneralInformation on a separate page.

Transcribers/Platform Optimizers


Open Clip Art Library




(version >= 2.8 include a good mozilla SVG plugin)
  • Contact
    • irc.gnome.org #librsvg or irc.gimp.org #librsvg


  • Website
  • Description
    • A c++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG, for the wx toolkit.


  • Website
  • Description
    • The documentation states, "Qt supports the static features of SVG 1.2 Tiny. ECMA scripts and DOM manipulation are currently not supported." Support for rendering is provided via QSvgRenderer, and writing support via QSvgGenerator.


  • VectorSection is an open-source collection of programs which form a universal vector-graphics translation system


  • libcaca (Colour AsCii Art library) is a library and a set of tools to convert pictures and video to colored ascii art. It allow to export rendered color ascii art to SVG, PNG, ANSI colored text, HTML and PS.

GD::SVG perl module

  • GD::SVG allow any perl script using GD API to render graphics to render SVG using cairo instead of traditional GD bitmap by only replacing 'Use GD' by 'Use GD::SVG' and 'GD::Image->new();' by 'GD::SVG::Image->new();'


There is at least 4 libs to manipulate/render SVG in Ruby : Two for managing SVG generally

And two more specialized in graph :


(BEN) This page is now rather long, it should be split up ...
(TomB) agreed; some of the bullet points can be condensed (blank lines removed), & links directly about Inkscape can be put in a new page
(BEN) Please remove references to Uberconverter soonest