Difference between revisions of "Creating screencasts"

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(Created page with "On windows/osx: * http://www.cockos.com/licecap/ For Linux: * Screencaster: https://gist.github.com/ryanlerch/10919811 * Generate an animated gif: https://gist.github.com/ry...")
m (just changed the order of OBS to the top list. that's all. No need to panic ok?)
(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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On windows/osx:
Cross Platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac)
* [https://www.videolan.org/ VLC]: Use video capture (cross platform)
* [https://obsproject.com/ OBS Project]: (cross platform)
On Windows/OS X:
* http://www.cockos.com/licecap/
* http://www.cockos.com/licecap/
For macOS
* https://getkap.co/ (open source, mac only)
For Windows
* https://github.com/MathewSachin/Captura (open source)
* https://getsharex.com/ (Windows only)

For Linux:
For Linux:
* Screencaster: https://gist.github.com/ryanlerch/10919811
* Screencaster: https://gist.github.com/ryanlerch/10919811
* Generate an animated gif: https://gist.github.com/ryanlerch/7fa82e32898f68410bd5
* Generate an animated GIF: https://gist.github.com/ryanlerch/7fa82e32898f68410bd5
* Keymon: http://fedoramagazine.org/enhance-your-screencasts-with-key-mon-on-fedora/
* Keymon: http://fedoramagazine.org/enhance-your-screencasts-with-key-mon-on-fedora/
* Peek (gif, mp4, apng, webm, no audio): https://github.com/phw/peek
=== Software to help you create/edit Screencasts ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Program !! Windows !! macOS !! Linux
| [https://www.videolan.org/ VLC] || Y || Y || Y
| [http://www.cockos.com/licecap/ LiceCAP] || Y || Y || N
| [https://getkap.co/ Kap] || N || Y || N
| [https://github.com/MathewSachin/Captura Captura] || Y || N || N
| [https://obsproject.com/ OBS Project] || Y || Y || Y
| [https://getsharex.com/ Share X] || Y || N || N
| [https://github.com/phw/peek Peek (video / gif only)] || N || N || Y

Revision as of 23:20, 6 February 2020

Cross Platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac)

On Windows/OS X:

For macOS

For Windows

For Linux:

Software to help you create/edit Screencasts

Program Windows macOS Linux
Kap N Y N
Captura Y N N
OBS Project Y Y Y
Share X Y N N
Peek (video / gif only) N N Y