Hi, I'm embarking on a grand new adventure, contributing to Inkscape.
I intend to document everything I do here for the benefit of other people who may follow my path. With any luck parts of what I write will become useful enough to merge into other parts of this Wiki.
First steps
Ok the first task is to get away from Micro$oft and boot into a real development environment, Ubuntu Linux.
--Ideogram 14:36, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Much better. I am using Dapper Drake. Just in case anyone doesn't know, you can find out more about Ubuntu here. Ubuntu is fun, easy, and free.
Ok, on this very wiki we have CompilingUbuntu. Let's follow it and see how it goes.
Wow that's a long list of build-dep packages. 80MB disk space. And Ubuntu gives me a scary warning about packages that can't be authenticated. Let's cross our fingers and just hit 'y'.
The download is finally finished!
--Ideogram 14:56, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Ok first problem, entering the echo command line gives an error:
bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied
We work around that with:
cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/tmp echo "deb-src unstable main" >> ~/tmp sudo mv ~/tmp /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
is giving me an error:
W: GPG error: unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 010908312D230C5F W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
I'm beginning to think whoever added the echo command line earlier didn't know what he was doing. The error message says to run apt-get update (isn't that what we were doing?) so let's try running it again.
Same message. I'm going to remove this line from my sources.list and see what happens.
Command completed successfully this time, let's continue and see if it breaks.
Uh-oh, fakeroot command not found. A quick search in Synaptic reveals it can be installed. So we install it.
Compilation done!
--Ideogram 15:16, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Oh how irritating, there's a typo so my cut and paste failed. Took me a few minutes to figure it out. Let's just edit that wikipage so it doesn't bite someone else.
Ok, we want the current development source, so we'll skip getting version 0.44 from Debian Unstable (besides it looks like this part is what the line that we didn't add to sources.list was supposed to be for).
Let's look into how to get the current development source. Be right back.
--Ideogram 15:25, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Ok it looks like Working with SVN is what we want. First we install the package "subversion" using Synaptic. Now we cd to our home directory and check out a working copy.
--Ideogram 15:39, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
The compilation finished!
--Ideogram 15:53, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
Hmm I hoped I would be able to run the program directly without installing it, but the program crashes immediately on startup. Let's see if installing it helps.
Oh hey, much better. Now let's go look for some bugs to fix!
--Ideogram 16:13, 22 August 2006 (UTC)
- New: sp_file_new, sp_file_new_default
- Delete: sp_file_exit
- Open: sp_file_open, sp_file_revert_dialog, sp_file_open_dialog
- Vacuum: sp_file_vacuum
- Save: sp_file_save_dialog, sp_file_save_document, sp_file_save, sp_file_save_as, sp_file_save_a_copy
- Why so many Save functions? sp_file_save_dialog is the main dialog. sp_file_save_document takes a document argument and saves it, displaying the dialog if necessary. sp_file_save saves the active document. sp_file_save_as always displays the dialog. sp_file_save_a_copy is an exact duplicate of sp_file_save_as, presumably for backward compatibility.
- Import: file_import, sp_file_import
- Export: sp_file_export_dialog
--Ideogram 16:29, 23 August 2006 (UTC)
source tree
- algorithms
- application
- debug
- dialogs
- display
- dom
- io
- js
- fdlibm
- odf
- svg
- util
- work
- extension
- dxf2svg
- implementation
- internal
- libupg
- script
- graphlayout
- helper
- inkjar
- io
- jabber_whiteboard
- architcture
- dialog
- protocol
- inkboard_message_examples (empty)
- libavoid
- libcola
- libcroco
- libnr
- libnrtype
- libvpsc
- pairingheap
- livarot
- pedro
- certs
- icon
- work
- pixmaps
- removeoverlap
- svg
- trace
- potrace
- traits
- ui
- dialog
- view
- widget
- utest
- util
- widgets
- xml