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I had intended on a working prototype at this point of the program, however an unexpected delay came up with a bug in server implementations which needs to be resolved, I am about to go on a holiday until the 27th and will not be able to undertake any more development until this time

Throughout the time of summer of code I had expected to complete a release worthy implementation of the whiteboard extension, however as I am yet to recieve the first payment from the program. I had to spend a significant time that i had planned on using on the whiteboard project in finding a job and working to get the money I had budgeted to recieve from google, which has seriously affected my timeline.

Following is a Todo list of the tasks I have yet to do, and a timescale in which i plan to implement them


  1. Finalise manually serialising incoming message - 2 days, 30th August
  2. Apply incoming changes to the whiteboard - 5 days, 4th September
  3. Finalise and implement MUC session establishment - 6 days, 9th September
  4. implement conflict resolution - 5 days,14 September
  5. I will give 2 weeks afterwards dedicated to making sure the whiteboard is release worthy
  6. Easy to follow step-by-step whiteboard tutorial documentation, specially how to use it on a GoogleTalk account (GoogleTalk is Jabber).

Given this timescale I fully expect to have a release worthy implementation for October


  1. Serialising Incoming messages - done, ensures the in-order processing
  2. Apply Incoming Changes - 80% complete, need to handle special case nodes such as defs, and transformation matrices, plus ordering of objects
  3. Conflict resolution - 90% complete, need to finalise rollbacks


  • State and Session Handling
  • Peer to peer session establishment
  • Whiteboard clients broadcast all changes to the document
  • Developed a formal protocol in liason with joonas of the psi project location :

Sorry to all who expected the whiteboard to be working at a time before this, for the reasons given above I have been unable to stick the the original schedule. However I fully plan on sticking to the timescale given and finishing the whiteboard. And of course after the whiteboard is complete I fully intend to carry on working on its, or other aspects of inkscapes future development