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Project oriented integration with ccHost


When you work on a project like "new corporate style", usually you use a uniform base color palette, a uniform set of patterns and templates.

Since Inkscape already can talk to ccHost, it should be possible to set up a ccHost powered web storage for documents like swatches, patterns, templates, fonts etc. and use it from Inkscape along the usual Open Clip Art Library and/or Open Font Library.

ccHost installations as such are out of scope of this specification.

Workflow description

Implied changes



Usability considerations

Stages of implementation

First stage

Inkscape should be able to use several ccHost based servers simultaneously.

Second stage

Inkscape should be able to open/save swatches and patterns from/to ccHost servers.

Third stage

Inkscape should be able to open/save templates from/to ccHost servers via 'New from Template' dialog
