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The GSD binary file format

The file must begin with . This is a header to verify that it is the correct file type.


0x00-0x0f "GRAPHTEC PRT&CUT"
0x10-0x17 0x06 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
0x18-0x7f This entire block is padded with zeros. There may be some other information stored, but in every sample file examined the data is simply 0.


The body consists of a number of blocks of data. Every block starts with a length chunk indicating how many chunks are contained within that block. For more complex data such as the actual lines, polylines, and pen information chunks may contain entire blocks in a hierarchy.


The first two bytes of the chunk provide information on the purpos. The following 2 bytes indicate the type of data and the number of data elements of that type.

While the data typically follows this pattern, in some cases (most notably distance measurements) the "datatype" may indicate a different length than is actually used.

Header Description
00 1 byte of data stored in length byte
01 1-byte little endian 8-bit integer. Typically used for boolean values.
02 2-byte little endian 16-bit integer
03 4-byte little endian 32-bit integer
04 8-byte little endian double precision float. Usually for storing a distance in mm units
05 ASCII data chunks

Based on several files generated using version 5.10 of the QuicKutz ROBO Master software, the following information has been deduced. In some cases the data observed in a given chunk is provided where the purpose is unknown.

Drawing Object Types:
Value Type
0 line
1 polyline
4 elliptical arc
5 nurb spline
6 text
7 rectangle
9 rounded rectangle

Chunk Types
Prefix Suffix Description DataType Data Length
01 Number of Drawing Objects
00 Drawing Object
01 Drawing Object Type
0A 2D Point
0B Polyline Length
0C Polyline Point
14 Sweep (radians)
15 Ecentricity?
16 (0=Open/1=Closed)
40 Bbox (Upper Left)
41 Bbox (Upper Right)
42 Bbox (Lower Right)
43 Bbox (Lower Left)
44 Rotation
21 Group
02 Number of Line Styles? 03 01
05 Dashed Line Pattern Cut Segment Length 04 01
06 Dashed Line Pattern Spacing Length 04 01
01 Name of cutter? 05 var
02 Name of cutter? 05 var
04 Text description of paper type 05 var
05 Paper size in 0.01mm units (Width, Height) 03 02
08 Cutting Rotation Angle 02 01
09 Offset Enabled 01 01
0A Offset X 03 01
0B Offset Y 03 01
0C Weed Border Enabled 01 01
0D Weed Border Distance 03 01
0E Feed Media Enabled 01 01
0F Feed Media Source (00-Start, 01-End) 02 01
10 Feed Length 03 01
11 Tiling Enabled 01 01
14 Tiling Overlap 03 01
1A Scaling 02 01
1C Tiling Media Width 03 01
1D Tiling Media Height 03 01
21 Print Rotation Angle 02 01
22 Print Cut Lines Enabled 01 01
23 ID for print paper size? 02 01
24 Paper Width in 0.1mm units 03 01
25 Paper Height in 0.1mm units 03 01
26 Paper Orientation (01=Portrait, 02=Landscape) 02 01
00 Page Style?
00 Line Style?
00 Registration Mark Settings
01 Show Registration Marks Enabled 01 01
02 Registration Mode(00=2, 01=3, 02=4) 02 01
03 Registration Pattern(01=Normal, 00=Inward) 02 01
0A Registration Size
0B Registration Thickness
0C Origin X
0D Origin Y
0E Distance (1-2)
0F Distance (2-3)
10 Exceeds Maximum Recommended Length of 31.5"
00 Grid Settings
01 Show Grid 01 01
02 Grid Type (00=Line, 01=Dot) 02 01
03 Grid Spacing 04 01
04 Grid Snap Enabled 01 01
00 End of File