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You can install inkscape on FC3 with yum.
There are two repositories that you can use:
Installing with Fedora Extras:
Edit /etc/yum.conf, and add the following entry:
[Extras] name=Fedora Extras baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/$releasever/$basearch/
Then, as root:
# yum install inkscape
Say "yes" to accept dependencies.
If yum complains about GPG keys, set "gpgcheck=0" in /etc/yum.conf and respository entries in /etc/yum.repos.d.
Installing with Dries:
Edit /etc/yum.conf, and add the following entry:
[dries] name=Extra Fedora rpms dries - 3 - i386 baseurl=http://apt.sw.be/dries/fedora/linux/3/i386/dries/RPMS/
Then, as root:
# yum install inkscape
Say "yes" to accept dependencies.
If yum complains about GPG keys, set "gpgcheck=0" in /etc/yum.conf and respository entries in /etc/yum.repos.d.
Further Help:
- LinuxQuestions thread on installing Inkscape