Emergency save

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Inkscape 1.0+ has Emergency Autosave. If inkscape crashes it will try to save your file. File is saved as current file name _ date+time of crash.svg

Note that there is chance that this file will contain same problem that causes Inkscape to crash or in rare cases file can be corrupted.

All systems

When Inkscape saves a crash file, it will tell you where it saved it in the crash dialog.

If you skipped the dialog too quickly, see below for places to look for the file. Also check the Autosave directory for the most recent autosave (see Preferences' 'Autosave' section).

On Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc.)

Inkscape tries to save in one of following paths:

  1. Home directory (~/, $HOME, /home/<username>/)
  2. /tmp/
  3. In the current working directory

On Windows

Inkscape tries to save in %UserProfile%:

  • Vista/7/10/11: C:\Users\<username>\
  • XP/2003: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\