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To view the list of available actions for your installed Inkscape version, you can use the command inkscape --actions-list.

If you would like to search for a specific term, you can use the following commands:

  • on Linux: enter inkscape --actions-list | grep search_term
  • on Windows: enter inkscape --action-list | findstr search_term

Inkscape actions in 1.2

Action Description
about Inkscape version, authors, license
action-list Print a list of actions and exit
clone Create a clone (a copy linked to the original) of selected object
clone-link Relink the selected clones to the object currently on the clipboard
clone-link-lpe Creates a new path, applies the Clone original LPE, and refers it to the selected path
clone-unlink Cut the selected clones' links to the originals, turning them into standalone objects
clone-unlink-recursively Unlink all clones in the selection, even if they are in groups.
com.inkscape.generate.generate-voronoi Voronoi Pattern
com.inkscape.generate.generate-voronoi.noprefs Voronoi Pattern
com.kaioa.lorem-ipsum Lorem ipsum
com.kaioa.lorem-ipsum.noprefs Lorem ipsum
convert-dpi-method Set DPI conversion method for legacy Inkscape files
copy Copy selection to clipboard
cut Cut selection to clipboard
debug-info Print debugging information and exit
delete Delete selected items, nodes or text.
delete-selection Delete selected items
duplicate Duplicate Selected Objects
edit-remove-filter Remove any filters from selected objects
element-a-open-link Add an anchor to an object.
element-image-edit Edit image externally (image must be selected and not embedded).
export-area Set export area
export-area-drawing Export drawing area
export-area-page Export page area
export-area-snap Snap export area to integer values
export-background Include background color in exported file
export-background-opacity Include background opacity in exported file
export-do Do export
export-dpi Set export DPI
export-filename Set export file name
export-height Set export height
export-id Export selected ID(s)
export-id-only Hide any objects not given in export-id option
export-ignore-filters Export without filters to avoid rasterization for PDF, PS, EPS
export-latex Export LaTeX
export-margin Set additional export margin
export-overwrite Allow to overwrite existing files during export
export-pdf-version Set PDF version
export-plain-svg Export as plain SVG
export-png-color-mode Set color mode for PNG export
export-png-use-dithering Set dithering for PNG export
export-ps-level Set PostScript level
export-text-to-path Convert texts to paths in the exported file
export-type Set export file type
export-use-hints Export using saved hints
export-width Set export width
file-close Close active document
file-new Open new document using template
file-open Open file
file-open-window Open file window
fit-canvas-to-selection Fit the page to the current selection
frame Frame
frame.noprefs Frame
inkscape-version Print Inkscape version and exit Video Video
jessyink.install Install/update
jessyink.install.noprefs Install/update
jessyink.summary Summary
jessyink.summary.noprefs Summary
jessyink.transitions Transitions
jessyink.transitions.noprefs Transitions
jessyink.uninstall Uninstall/remove
jessyink.uninstall.noprefs Uninstall/remove
jessyink.view View
jessyink.view.noprefs View
last-effect Repeat the last extension with the same settings
last-effect-pref Repeat the last extension with new settings
math.triangle Triangle
math.triangle.noprefs Triangle
mcepl.ungroup-deep Deep Ungroup
mcepl.ungroup-deep.noprefs Deep Ungroup
no-convert-baseline Do not convert text baselines in legacy Inkscape files
object-align Align selected objects; usage
object-align-on-canvas Enable on-canvas alignment handles.
object-align-text Align selected text alignment points; usage
object-distribute Distribute selected objects; usage
object-distribute-text Distribute text alignment points; usage [vertical
object-flip-horizontal Flip selected objects horizontally
object-flip-vertical Flip selected objects vertically
object-rearrange Rearrange selected objects; usage
object-release-clip Remove clipping path from selection
object-release-mask Remove mask from selection
object-remove-overlaps Remove overlaps between objects
object-rotate-90-ccw Rotate selection 90° counter-clockwise
object-rotate-90-cw Rotate selection 90° clockwise
object-set-attribute Set or update an attribute of selected objects; usage
object-set-clip Apply clipping path to selection (using the topmost object as clipping path)
object-set-clip-group Create a self-clipping group to which objects (not contributing to the clip-path) can be added
object-set-inverse-clip Apply inverse clipping path to selection (Power Clip LPE)
object-set-inverse-mask Apply inverse mask to selection (Power Mask LPE)
object-set-mask Apply mask to selection (using the topmost object as mask)
object-set-property Set or update a property on selected objects; usage
object-stroke-to-path Convert strokes to paths
object-to-guides Convert selected objects to a collection of guidelines aligned with their edges
object-to-marker Convert selection to a line marker
object-to-path Convert shapes to paths
object-to-pattern Convert selection to a rectangle with tiled pattern fill
object-unlink-clones Unlink clones and symbols
open-page Select PDF page number to import
org.ekips.filter.flatten Flatten Beziers
org.ekips.filter.flatten.noprefs Flatten Beziers
org.ekips.filter.gears Gear
org.ekips.filter.gears.noprefs Gear
org.ekips.filter.handles Draw Handles
org.ekips.filter.handles.noprefs Draw Handles
org.ekips.filter.interp Interpolate
org.ekips.filter.interp.noprefs Interpolate
org.ekips.filter.motion Motion
org.ekips.filter.motion.noprefs Motion
org.ekips.filter.perspective Perspective
org.ekips.filter.perspective.noprefs Perspective
org.ekips.filter.plot Plot
org.ekips.filter.plot.noprefs Plot
org.ekips.filter.spirograph Spirograph
org.ekips.filter.spirograph.noprefs Spirograph
org.ekips.filter.turtle.lindenmayer L-system
org.ekips.filter.turtle.lindenmayer.noprefs L-system
org.ekips.filter.turtle-rtree Random Tree
org.ekips.filter.turtle-rtree.noprefs Random Tree
org.ekips.filter.whirl Whirl
org.ekips.filter.whirl.noprefs Whirl
org.evilmad.text.hershey Hershey Text
org.evilmad.text.hershey.noprefs Hershey Text
org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.extrude Extrude
org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.extrude.noprefs Extrude
org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.nup N-up layout
org.greygreen.inkscape.effects.nup.noprefs N-up layout Black and White Black and White
org.inkscape.color.brighter Brighter
org.inkscape.color.brighter.noprefs Brighter
org.inkscape.color.custom Custom
org.inkscape.color.custom.noprefs Custom
org.inkscape.color.darker Darker
org.inkscape.color.darker.noprefs Darker
org.inkscape.color.desaturate Desaturate
org.inkscape.color.desaturate.noprefs Desaturate
org.inkscape.color.grayscale Grayscale
org.inkscape.color.grayscale.noprefs Grayscale
org.inkscape.color.hsl-adjust HSL Adjust
org.inkscape.color.hsl-adjust.noprefs HSL Adjust
org.inkscape.color.less-hue Less Hue
org.inkscape.color.less-hue.noprefs Less Hue
org.inkscape.color.less-light Less Light
org.inkscape.color.less-light.noprefs Less Light
org.inkscape.color.less-saturation Less Saturation
org.inkscape.color.less-saturation.noprefs Less Saturation
org.inkscape.color.list-colours List All
org.inkscape.color.list-colours.noprefs List All
org.inkscape.color.more-hue More Hue
org.inkscape.color.more-hue.noprefs More Hue
org.inkscape.color.more-light More Light
org.inkscape.color.more-light.noprefs More Light
org.inkscape.color.more-saturation More Saturation
org.inkscape.color.more-saturation.noprefs More Saturation
org.inkscape.color.negative Negative
org.inkscape.color.negative.noprefs Negative
org.inkscape.color.randomize Randomize
org.inkscape.color.randomize.noprefs Randomize
org.inkscape.color.remove-blue Remove Blue
org.inkscape.color.remove-blue.noprefs Remove Blue
org.inkscape.color.remove-green Remove Green
org.inkscape.color.remove-green.noprefs Remove Green
org.inkscape.color.remove-red Remove Red
org.inkscape.color.remove-red.noprefs Remove Red
org.inkscape.color.replace-color Replace color
org.inkscape.color.replace-color.noprefs Replace color
org.inkscape.color.rgb-barrel RGB Barrel
org.inkscape.color.rgb-barrel.noprefs RGB Barrel
org.inkscape.doc-ai-convert Process Illustrator SVG
org.inkscape.doc-ai-convert.noprefs Process Illustrator SVG
org.inkscape.doc-info DOC Info
org.inkscape.doc-info.noprefs DOC Info
org.inkscape.dpi90to96 DPI 90 to 96
org.inkscape.dpi90to96.noprefs DPI 90 to 96
org.inkscape.dpi96to90 DPI 96 to 90
org.inkscape.dpi96to90.noprefs DPI 96 to 90
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.adaptiveThreshold Apply adaptive thresholding to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.adaptiveThreshold.noprefs Apply adaptive thresholding to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.addNoise Add random noise to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.addNoise.noprefs Add random noise to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.blur Blur selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.blur.noprefs Blur selected bitmap(s) Extract specific channel from image Extract specific channel from image
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.charcoal Apply charcoal stylization to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.charcoal.noprefs Apply charcoal stylization to selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.colorize Colorize selected bitmap(s) with specified color, using given opacity
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.colorize.noprefs Colorize selected bitmap(s) with specified color, using given opacity
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.contrast Increase or decrease contrast in bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.contrast.noprefs Increase or decrease contrast in bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.crop Crop selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.crop.noprefs Crop selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.cycleColormap Cycle colormap(s) of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.cycleColormap.noprefs Cycle colormap(s) of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.despeckle Reduce speckle noise of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.despeckle.noprefs Reduce speckle noise of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.edge Highlight edges of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.edge.noprefs Highlight edges of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.emboss Emboss selected bitmap(s); highlight edges with 3D effect
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.emboss.noprefs Emboss selected bitmap(s); highlight edges with 3D effect
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.enhance Enhance selected bitmap(s); minimize noise
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.enhance.noprefs Enhance selected bitmap(s); minimize noise
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.equalize Equalize selected bitmap(s); histogram equalization
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.equalize.noprefs Equalize selected bitmap(s); histogram equalization
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.gaussianBlur Gaussian blur selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.gaussianBlur.noprefs Gaussian blur selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.implode Implode selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.implode.noprefs Implode selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.level Level selected bitmap(s) by scaling values falling between the given ranges to the full color range
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.levelChannel Level the specified channel of selected bitmap(s) by scaling values falling between the given ranges to the full color range
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.levelChannel.noprefs Level the specified channel of selected bitmap(s) by scaling values falling between the given ranges to the full color range
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.level.noprefs Level selected bitmap(s) by scaling values falling between the given ranges to the full color range
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.medianFilter Replace each pixel component with the median color in a circular neighborhood
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.medianFilter.noprefs Replace each pixel component with the median color in a circular neighborhood
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.modulate Adjust the amount of hue, saturation, and brightness in selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.modulate.noprefs Adjust the amount of hue, saturation, and brightness in selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.negate Negate (take inverse) selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.negate.noprefs Negate (take inverse) selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.normalize Normalize selected bitmap(s), expanding color range to the full possible range of color
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.normalize.noprefs Normalize selected bitmap(s), expanding color range to the full possible range of color
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.oilPaint Stylize selected bitmap(s) so that they appear to be painted with oils
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.oilPaint.noprefs Stylize selected bitmap(s) so that they appear to be painted with oils
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.opacity Modify opacity channel(s) of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.opacity.noprefs Modify opacity channel(s) of selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.raise Alter lightness the edges of selected bitmap(s) to create a raised appearance
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.raise.noprefs Alter lightness the edges of selected bitmap(s) to create a raised appearance
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.reduceNoise Reduce noise in selected bitmap(s) using a noise peak elimination filter
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.reduceNoise.noprefs Reduce noise in selected bitmap(s) using a noise peak elimination filter
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.sample Alter the resolution of selected image by resizing it to the given pixel size
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.sample.noprefs Alter the resolution of selected image by resizing it to the given pixel size
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.shade Shade selected bitmap(s) simulating distant light source
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.shade.noprefs Shade selected bitmap(s) simulating distant light source
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.sharpen Sharpen selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.sharpen.noprefs Sharpen selected bitmap(s)
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.solarize Solarize selected bitmap(s), like overexposing photographic film
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.solarize.noprefs Solarize selected bitmap(s), like overexposing photographic film
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.spread Randomly scatter pixels in selected bitmap(s), within the given radius of the original position
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.spread.noprefs Randomly scatter pixels in selected bitmap(s), within the given radius of the original position
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.swirl Swirl selected bitmap(s) around center point
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.swirl.noprefs Swirl selected bitmap(s) around center point
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.unsharpmask Sharpen selected bitmap(s) using unsharp mask algorithms
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.unsharpmask.noprefs Sharpen selected bitmap(s) using unsharp mask algorithms
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.wave Alter selected bitmap(s) along sine wave
org.inkscape.effect.bitmap.wave.noprefs Alter selected bitmap(s) along sine wave
org.inkscape.effect.bluredge Inset/Outset Halo
org.inkscape.effect.bluredge.noprefs Inset/Outset Halo
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Blend Blend objects with background images or with themselves
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Blend.noprefs Blend objects with background images or with themselves
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Blur Simple vertical and horizontal blur effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Blur.noprefs Simple vertical and horizontal blur effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Brilliance Brightness filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Brilliance.noprefs Brightness filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Bump All purposes bump filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Bump.noprefs All purposes bump filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ChannelPaint Replace RGB by any color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ChannelPaint.noprefs Replace RGB by any color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ChannelTransparency Replace RGB with transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ChannelTransparency.noprefs Replace RGB with transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Chromolitho Chromo effect with customizable edge drawing and graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Chromolitho.noprefs Chromo effect with customizable edge drawing and graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CleanEdges Removes or decreases glows and jaggeries around objects edges after applying some filters
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CleanEdges.noprefs Removes or decreases glows and jaggeries around objects edges after applying some filters
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorBlindness Simulate color blindness
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorBlindness.noprefs Simulate color blindness
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorDropShadow Colorizable Drop shadow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorDropShadow.noprefs Colorizable Drop shadow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Colorize Blend image or object with a flood color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Colorize.noprefs Blend image or object with a flood color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorShift Rotate and desaturate hue
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ColorShift.noprefs Rotate and desaturate hue
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ComponentTransfer Basic component transfer structure
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ComponentTransfer.noprefs Basic component transfer structure
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CrossBlur Combine vertical and horizontal blur
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CrossBlur.noprefs Combine vertical and horizontal blur
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CrossEngraving Convert image to an engraving made of vertical and horizontal lines
org.inkscape.effect.filter.CrossEngraving.noprefs Convert image to an engraving made of vertical and horizontal lines
org.inkscape.effect.filter.crosssmooth Smooth edges and angles of shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.crosssmooth.noprefs Smooth edges and angles of shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.DiffuseLight Basic diffuse bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.DiffuseLight.noprefs Basic diffuse bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Drawing Convert images to duochrome drawings
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Drawing.noprefs Convert images to duochrome drawings
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Duochrome Convert luminance values to a duochrome palette
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Duochrome.noprefs Convert luminance values to a duochrome palette
org.inkscape.effect.filter.EdgeDetect Detect color edges in object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.EdgeDetect.noprefs Detect color edges in object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Electrize Electro solarization effects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Electrize.noprefs Electro solarization effects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ExtractChannel Extract color channel as a transparent image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ExtractChannel.noprefs Extract color channel as a transparent image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f000 Does not filter but adds a filter region
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f000.noprefs Does not filter but adds a filter region
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f001 Same as Matte jelly but with more controls
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f001.noprefs Same as Matte jelly but with more controls
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f002 Smooth drop-like bevel with metallic finish
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f002.noprefs Smooth drop-like bevel with metallic finish
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f003 Edges are partly feathered out
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f003.noprefs Edges are partly feathered out
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f005 Low, sharp bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f005.noprefs Low, sharp bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f006 Random whiteouts inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f006.noprefs Random whiteouts inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f007 Inky splotches underneath the object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f007.noprefs Inky splotches underneath the object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f008 Edges of object are on fire
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f008.noprefs Edges of object are on fire
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f009 Soft, cushion-like bevel with matte highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f009.noprefs Soft, cushion-like bevel with matte highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f010 Ridged border with inner bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f010.noprefs Ridged border with inner bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f011 Horizontal rippling of edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f011.noprefs Horizontal rippling of edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f012 Fill object with sparse translucent specks
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f012.noprefs Fill object with sparse translucent specks
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f013 Rainbow-colored semitransparent oily splotches
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f013.noprefs Rainbow-colored semitransparent oily splotches
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f014 Flake-like white splotches
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f014.noprefs Flake-like white splotches
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f015 Leopard spots (loses object's own color)
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f015.noprefs Leopard spots (loses object's own color)
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f016 Irregular vertical dark stripes (loses object's own color)
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f016.noprefs Irregular vertical dark stripes (loses object's own color)
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f017 Airy, fluffy, sparse white clouds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f017.noprefs Airy, fluffy, sparse white clouds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f018 Sharpen edges and boundaries within the object, force=0.15
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f018.noprefs Sharpen edges and boundaries within the object, force=0.15
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f019 Sharpen edges and boundaries within the object, force=0.3
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f019.noprefs Sharpen edges and boundaries within the object, force=0.3
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f020 Simulate oil painting style
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f020.noprefs Simulate oil painting style
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f021 Detect color edges and retrace them in grayscale
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f021.noprefs Detect color edges and retrace them in grayscale
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f022 Detect color edges and retrace them in blue
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f022.noprefs Detect color edges and retrace them in blue
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f025 Imitate aged photograph
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f025.noprefs Imitate aged photograph
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f026 Bulging, knotty, slick 3D surface
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f026.noprefs Bulging, knotty, slick 3D surface
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f027 Gray bevelled wires with drop shadows
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f027.noprefs Gray bevelled wires with drop shadows
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f028 Random inner-bevel holes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f028.noprefs Random inner-bevel holes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f029 Marble-like bluish speckles
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f029.noprefs Marble-like bluish speckles
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f030 Soft bevel, slightly depressed middle
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f030.noprefs Soft bevel, slightly depressed middle
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f031 Shadowy outer bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f031.noprefs Shadowy outer bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f032 Random paint streaks downwards
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f032.noprefs Random paint streaks downwards
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f033 Glossy clumpy jam spread
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f033.noprefs Glossy clumpy jam spread
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f034 Van Gogh painting effect for bitmaps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f034.noprefs Van Gogh painting effect for bitmaps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f035 Under a cracked glass
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f035.noprefs Under a cracked glass
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f036 Flexible bubbles effect with some displacement
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f036.noprefs Flexible bubbles effect with some displacement
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f037 Bubble effect with refraction and glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f037.noprefs Bubble effect with refraction and glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f038 Neon light effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f038.noprefs Neon light effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f039 Melting parts of object together, with a glossy bevel and a glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f039.noprefs Melting parts of object together, with a glossy bevel and a glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f040 Pressed metal with a rolled edge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f040.noprefs Pressed metal with a rolled edge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f041 Soft, pastel-colored, blurry bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f041.noprefs Soft, pastel-colored, blurry bevel
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f042 Thin like a soap membrane
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f042.noprefs Thin like a soap membrane
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f043 Soft pastel ridge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f043.noprefs Soft pastel ridge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f044 Glowing metal texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f044.noprefs Glowing metal texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f045 Leaves on the ground in Fall, or living foliage
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f045.noprefs Leaves on the ground in Fall, or living foliage
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f046 Illuminated translucent plastic or glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f046.noprefs Illuminated translucent plastic or glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f047 Waxy texture which keeps its iridescence through color fill change
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f047.noprefs Waxy texture which keeps its iridescence through color fill change
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f048 Eroded metal texture with ridges, grooves, holes and bumps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f048.noprefs Eroded metal texture with ridges, grooves, holes and bumps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f049 A volcanic texture, a little like leather
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f049.noprefs A volcanic texture, a little like leather
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f050 Bark texture, vertical; use with deep colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f050.noprefs Bark texture, vertical; use with deep colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f051 Stylized reptile skin texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f051.noprefs Stylized reptile skin texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f052 Stone wall texture to use with not too saturated colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f052.noprefs Stone wall texture to use with not too saturated colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f053 Silk carpet texture, horizontal stripes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f053.noprefs Silk carpet texture, horizontal stripes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f054 Gel effect with light refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f054.noprefs Gel effect with light refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f055 Gel effect with strong refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f055.noprefs Gel effect with strong refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f056 Metallized effect with a soft lighting, slightly translucent at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f056.noprefs Metallized effect with a soft lighting, slightly translucent at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f057 Gel Ridge with a pearlescent look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f057.noprefs Gel Ridge with a pearlescent look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f058 Strongly raised border around a flat surface
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f058.noprefs Strongly raised border around a flat surface
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f059 Gel Ridge metallized at its top
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f059.noprefs Gel Ridge metallized at its top
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f060 Fat oil with some adjustable turbulence
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f060.noprefs Fat oil with some adjustable turbulence
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f063 Creates a black light inside and outside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f063.noprefs Creates a black light inside and outside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f065 Scattered cubes; adjust the Morphology primitive to vary size
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f065.noprefs Scattered cubes; adjust the Morphology primitive to vary size
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f066 Peeling painting on a wall
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f066.noprefs Peeling painting on a wall
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f067 Splattered cast metal, with golden highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f067.noprefs Splattered cast metal, with golden highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f068 Fat pasted cast metal, with golden highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f068.noprefs Fat pasted cast metal, with golden highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f069 Crumpled matte plastic, with melted edge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f069.noprefs Crumpled matte plastic, with melted edge
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f070 Slightly cracked enameled texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f070.noprefs Slightly cracked enameled texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f071 Aquarelle paper effect which can be used for pictures as for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f071.noprefs Aquarelle paper effect which can be used for pictures as for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f072 Crumpled glossy paper effect which can be used for pictures as for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f072.noprefs Crumpled glossy paper effect which can be used for pictures as for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f073 Inner colorized shadow, outer black shadow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f073.noprefs Inner colorized shadow, outer black shadow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f074 Convert to small scattered particles with some thickness
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f074.noprefs Convert to small scattered particles with some thickness
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f075 Blurred colorized contour, filled inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f075.noprefs Blurred colorized contour, filled inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f076 Blurred colorized contour, empty inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f076.noprefs Blurred colorized contour, empty inside
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f077 Bevel, crude light, discoloration and glow like in electronic microscopy
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f077.noprefs Bevel, crude light, discoloration and glow like in electronic microscopy
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f078 Checkered tartan pattern
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f078.noprefs Checkered tartan pattern
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f083 Colorizable filling with flow inside like transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f083.noprefs Colorizable filling with flow inside like transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f085 Glowing image content without blurring it
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f085.noprefs Glowing image content without blurring it
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f086 Illuminated stained glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f086.noprefs Illuminated stained glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f087 Illuminated glass effect with light coming from beneath
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f087.noprefs Illuminated glass effect with light coming from beneath
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f088 Same as HSL Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f088.noprefs Same as HSL Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f089 Same as Bubbly Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f089.noprefs Same as Bubbly Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f090 Displace the outside of shapes and pictures without altering their content
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f090.noprefs Displace the outside of shapes and pictures without altering their content
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f092 Roughen all inside shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f092.noprefs Roughen all inside shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f093 Blur the contents of objects, preserving the outline and adding progressive transparency at edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f093.noprefs Blur the contents of objects, preserving the outline and adding progressive transparency at edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f094 Low turbulence gives sponge look and high turbulence chalk
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f094.noprefs Low turbulence gives sponge look and high turbulence chalk
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f095 Colorized blotches, like a crowd of people
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f095.noprefs Colorized blotches, like a crowd of people
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f096 Colorized mountain tops out of the fog
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f096.noprefs Colorized mountain tops out of the fog
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f097 Phantasmagorical turbulent wisps, like Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Delights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f097.noprefs Phantasmagorical turbulent wisps, like Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Delights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f098 In and out glow with a possible offset and colorizable flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f098.noprefs In and out glow with a possible offset and colorizable flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f099 Emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f099.noprefs Emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f100 Same as Bubbly Bumps but with a diffuse light instead of a specular one
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f100.noprefs Same as Bubbly Bumps but with a diffuse light instead of a specular one
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f101 Inkblot on blotting paper
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f101.noprefs Inkblot on blotting paper
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f102 Wax print on tissue texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f102.noprefs Wax print on tissue texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f104 Torn edges with a dark inner blur
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f104.noprefs Torn edges with a dark inner blur
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f107 Cloudy watercolor effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f107.noprefs Cloudy watercolor effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f108 Felt like texture with color turbulence and slightly darker at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f108.noprefs Felt like texture with color turbulence and slightly darker at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f109 Ink paint on paper with some turbulent color shift
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f109.noprefs Ink paint on paper with some turbulent color shift
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f110 Smooth rainbow colors melted along the edges and colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f110.noprefs Smooth rainbow colors melted along the edges and colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f111 Smooth rainbow colors slightly melted along the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f111.noprefs Smooth rainbow colors slightly melted along the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f112 Bright, polished uneven metal casting, colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f112.noprefs Bright, polished uneven metal casting, colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f113 Tartan pattern with a wavy displacement and bevel around the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f113.noprefs Tartan pattern with a wavy displacement and bevel around the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f114 3D warped marble texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f114.noprefs 3D warped marble texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f115 3D warped, fibered wood texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f115.noprefs 3D warped, fibered wood texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f116 3D warped, iridescent pearly shell texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f116.noprefs 3D warped, iridescent pearly shell texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f117 Tiger fur pattern with folds and bevel around the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f117.noprefs Tiger fur pattern with folds and bevel around the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f119 Light areas turn to black
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f119.noprefs Light areas turn to black
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f122 Adds a small scale graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f122.noprefs Adds a small scale graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f123 Colored plaster emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f123.noprefs Colored plaster emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f124 Gives Smooth Bumps velvet like
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f124.noprefs Gives Smooth Bumps velvet like
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f125 Comics shader with creamy waves transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f125.noprefs Comics shader with creamy waves transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f127 Creates colorizable blotches which smoothly flow over the edges of the lines at their crossings
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f127.noprefs Creates colorizable blotches which smoothly flow over the edges of the lines at their crossings
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f128 Darkens the edge with an inner blur and adds a flexible glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f128.noprefs Darkens the edge with an inner blur and adds a flexible glow
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f130 Smooth rainbow colors warped along the edges and colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f130.noprefs Smooth rainbow colors warped along the edges and colorizable
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f131 Create a turbulent contour around
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f131.noprefs Create a turbulent contour around
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f132 Slightly posterize and draw edges like on old printed postcards
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f132.noprefs Slightly posterize and draw edges like on old printed postcards
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f134 Gives a pointillist HSL sensitive transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f134.noprefs Gives a pointillist HSL sensitive transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f135 Gives a canvas like HSL sensitive transparency.
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f135.noprefs Gives a canvas like HSL sensitive transparency.
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f136 Paint objects with a transparent turbulence which turns around color edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f136.noprefs Paint objects with a transparent turbulence which turns around color edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f137 Thick painting effect with turbulence
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f137.noprefs Thick painting effect with turbulence
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f138 Burst balloon texture crumpled and with holes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f138.noprefs Burst balloon texture crumpled and with holes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f139 Combine a HSL edges detection bump with a leathery or woody and colorizable texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f139.noprefs Combine a HSL edges detection bump with a leathery or woody and colorizable texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f140 White splotches evocating carnaval masks
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f140.noprefs White splotches evocating carnaval masks
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f141 HSL edges detection bump with a wavy reflective surface effect and variable crumple
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f141.noprefs HSL edges detection bump with a wavy reflective surface effect and variable crumple
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f142 Combine a HSL edges detection bump with a matte and crumpled surface effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f142.noprefs Combine a HSL edges detection bump with a matte and crumpled surface effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f143 Adds a turbulent transparency which displaces pixels at the same time
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f143.noprefs Adds a turbulent transparency which displaces pixels at the same time
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f144 Partly opaque water color effect with bleed
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f144.noprefs Partly opaque water color effect with bleed
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f145 Gives a transparent engraving effect with rough line and filling
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f145.noprefs Gives a transparent engraving effect with rough line and filling
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f146 Gives a transparent fluid drawing effect with rough line and filling
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f146.noprefs Gives a transparent fluid drawing effect with rough line and filling
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f147 Gives a fluid and wavy expressionist drawing effect to images
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f147.noprefs Gives a fluid and wavy expressionist drawing effect to images
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f148 Marbled transparency effect which conforms to image detected edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f148.noprefs Marbled transparency effect which conforms to image detected edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f149 Thick acrylic paint texture with high texture depth
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f149.noprefs Thick acrylic paint texture with high texture depth
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f150 Gives a controllable roughness engraving effect to bitmaps and materials
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f150.noprefs Gives a controllable roughness engraving effect to bitmaps and materials
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f151 Something like a water noise
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f151.noprefs Something like a water noise
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f152 Convert to a colorizable transparent positive or negative
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f152.noprefs Convert to a colorizable transparent positive or negative
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f154 Creates an approximative semi-transparent and colorizable image of the saturation levels
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f154.noprefs Creates an approximative semi-transparent and colorizable image of the saturation levels
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f155 Riddle the surface and add bump to images
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f155.noprefs Riddle the surface and add bump to images
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f156 Thick glossy and translucent paint texture with high depth
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f156.noprefs Thick glossy and translucent paint texture with high depth
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f157 Canvas texture with an HSL sensitive height map
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f157.noprefs Canvas texture with an HSL sensitive height map
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f158 Same as Canvas Bumps but with a diffuse light instead of a specular one
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f158.noprefs Same as Canvas Bumps but with a diffuse light instead of a specular one
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f159 Same as Canvas Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f159.noprefs Same as Canvas Bumps but with transparent highlights
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f161 Bright metallic effect for any color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f161.noprefs Bright metallic effect for any color
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f162 Transparent plastic with deep colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f162.noprefs Transparent plastic with deep colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f163 Matte bevel with blurred edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f163.noprefs Matte bevel with blurred edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f164 Glossy bevel with blurred edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f164.noprefs Glossy bevel with blurred edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f165 Basic specular bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f165.noprefs Basic specular bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f166 Metallic foil effect combining two lighting types and variable crumple
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f166.noprefs Metallic foil effect combining two lighting types and variable crumple
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f167 Adds a colorizable edges glow inside objects and pictures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f167.noprefs Adds a colorizable edges glow inside objects and pictures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f168 Bumps effect with a bevel, color flood and complex lighting
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f168.noprefs Bumps effect with a bevel, color flood and complex lighting
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f169 Random rounded living cells like fill
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f169.noprefs Random rounded living cells like fill
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f170 Oversaturate colors which can be fluorescent in real world
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f170.noprefs Oversaturate colors which can be fluorescent in real world
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f171 Reduce or remove antialiasing around shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f171.noprefs Reduce or remove antialiasing around shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f173 Matte emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f173.noprefs Matte emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f174 Specular emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f174.noprefs Specular emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f175 Two types of lighting emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f175.noprefs Two types of lighting emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f176 Painting canvas emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f176.noprefs Painting canvas emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f177 Matte modeling paste emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f177.noprefs Matte modeling paste emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f178 Painting canvas emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f178.noprefs Painting canvas emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f179 Paper like emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f179.noprefs Paper like emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f180 Convert pictures to thick jelly
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f180.noprefs Convert pictures to thick jelly
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f181 Blend an image with its hue opposite
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f181.noprefs Blend an image with its hue opposite
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f182 Fades hue progressively to white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f182.noprefs Fades hue progressively to white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f185 Paint objects with a transparent turbulence which wraps around color edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f185.noprefs Paint objects with a transparent turbulence which wraps around color edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f188 Gives a turbulent pointillist HSL sensitive transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f188.noprefs Gives a turbulent pointillist HSL sensitive transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f189 Basic noise transparency texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f189.noprefs Basic noise transparency texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f190 Adds a colorizable opaque background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f190.noprefs Adds a colorizable opaque background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f191 Adds a white opaque background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f191.noprefs Adds a white opaque background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f193 Overlays two copies with different blur amounts and modifiable blend and composite
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f193.noprefs Overlays two copies with different blur amounts and modifiable blend and composite
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f194 Enhance and redraw color edges in 1 bit black and white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f194.noprefs Enhance and redraw color edges in 1 bit black and white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f195 Enhance and redraw edges around posterized areas
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f195.noprefs Enhance and redraw edges around posterized areas
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f197 Overlay with a small scale screen like noise
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f197.noprefs Overlay with a small scale screen like noise
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f198 Adds a small scale screen like noise locally
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f198.noprefs Adds a small scale screen like noise locally
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f199 Poster Color Fun
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f199.noprefs Poster Color Fun
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f200 Adds roughness to one of the two channels of the Poster paint filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f200.noprefs Adds roughness to one of the two channels of the Poster paint filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f201 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f201.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f202 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f202.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f203 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f203.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f204 Adds a small scale crossy graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f204.noprefs Adds a small scale crossy graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f205 Adds a small scale screen like graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f205.noprefs Adds a small scale screen like graininess
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f206 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f206.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f207 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f207.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f208 Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f208.noprefs Basic noise fill texture; adjust color in Flood
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f209 Highly configurable checkered tartan pattern
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f209.noprefs Highly configurable checkered tartan pattern
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f210 Uses vertical specular light to draw lines
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f210.noprefs Uses vertical specular light to draw lines
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f216 Colorizable filling with liquid transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f216.noprefs Colorizable filling with liquid transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f217 Aluminium effect with sharp brushed reflections
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f217.noprefs Aluminium effect with sharp brushed reflections
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f218 Comics cartoon drawing effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f218.noprefs Comics cartoon drawing effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f219 Draft painted cartoon shading with a glassy look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f219.noprefs Draft painted cartoon shading with a glassy look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f220 Cartoon paint style with some fading at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f220.noprefs Cartoon paint style with some fading at the edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f221 Satiny metal surface effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f221.noprefs Satiny metal surface effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f222 Contouring version of smooth shader
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f222.noprefs Contouring version of smooth shader
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f223 Bright chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f223.noprefs Bright chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f224 Dark chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f224.noprefs Dark chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f225 Combination of satiny and emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f225.noprefs Combination of satiny and emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f226 Chrome effect with darkened edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f226.noprefs Chrome effect with darkened edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f227 Draft painted cartoon shading with a glassy look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f227.noprefs Draft painted cartoon shading with a glassy look
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f228 Embossed chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f228.noprefs Embossed chrome effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f229 Satiny and embossed contour effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f229.noprefs Satiny and embossed contour effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f230 Unrealistic reflections with sharp edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f230.noprefs Unrealistic reflections with sharp edges
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f231 Deep and dark metal shading
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f231.noprefs Deep and dark metal shading
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f232 Satiny aluminium effect with embossing
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f232.noprefs Satiny aluminium effect with embossing
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f233 Double reflection through glass with some refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f233.noprefs Double reflection through glass with some refraction
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f234 Satiny glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.f234.noprefs Satiny glass effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.FadeToBW Fade to black or white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.FadeToBW.noprefs Fade to black or white
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Feather Blurred mask on the edge without altering the contents
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Feather.noprefs Blurred mask on the edge without altering the contents
org.inkscape.effect.filter.FeltFeather Blur and displace edges of shapes and pictures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.FeltFeather.noprefs Blur and displace edges of shapes and pictures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter106 Render Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels with a colorizable background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter106.noprefs Render Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels with a colorizable background
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter109 Convoluted emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter109.noprefs Convoluted emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter127 Cut out, add inner shadow and colorize some parts of an image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter127.noprefs Cut out, add inner shadow and colorize some parts of an image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter169 Create a two colors lithographic effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter169.noprefs Create a two colors lithographic effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter291 Colorize separately the three color channels
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter291.noprefs Colorize separately the three color channels
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter451 Create a semi transparent posterized image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter451.noprefs Create a semi transparent posterized image
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter499 Like Duochrome but with three colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter499.noprefs Like Duochrome but with three colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter53 Carving emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter53.noprefs Carving emboss effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter581 Blurred multiple contours for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter581.noprefs Blurred multiple contours for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter609 Converts blurred contour to posterized steps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter609.noprefs Converts blurred contour to posterized steps
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter672 Sharp multiple contour for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter672.noprefs Sharp multiple contour for objects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter81 Old chromolithographic effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.filter81.noprefs Old chromolithographic effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Greyscale Customize greyscale components
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Greyscale.noprefs Customize greyscale components
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ImageBlur Blur eroded by white or transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.ImageBlur.noprefs Blur eroded by white or transparency
org.inkscape.effect.filter.InkBlot Inkblot on tissue or rough paper
org.inkscape.effect.filter.InkBlot.noprefs Inkblot on tissue or rough paper
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Invert Manage hue, lightness and transparency inversions
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Invert.noprefs Manage hue, lightness and transparency inversions
org.inkscape.effect.filter.LightEraser Make the lightest parts of the object progressively transparent
org.inkscape.effect.filter.LightEraser.noprefs Make the lightest parts of the object progressively transparent
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Lighting Modify lights and shadows separately
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Lighting.noprefs Modify lights and shadows separately
org.inkscape.effect.filter.LightnessContrast Modify lightness and contrast separately
org.inkscape.effect.filter.LightnessContrast.noprefs Modify lightness and contrast separately
org.inkscape.effect.filter.MatteJelly Bulging, matte jelly covering
org.inkscape.effect.filter.MatteJelly.noprefs Bulging, matte jelly covering
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NeonDraw Posterize and draw smooth lines around color shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NeonDraw.noprefs Posterize and draw smooth lines around color shapes
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NoiseFill Basic noise fill and transparency texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NoiseFill.noprefs Basic noise fill and transparency texture
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NudgeCMY Nudge CMY channels separately and blend them to different types of backgrounds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NudgeCMY.noprefs Nudge CMY channels separately and blend them to different types of backgrounds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NudgeRGB Nudge RGB channels separately and blend them to different types of backgrounds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.NudgeRGB.noprefs Nudge RGB channels separately and blend them to different types of backgrounds
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Opacity Set opacity and strength of opacity boundaries
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Opacity.noprefs Set opacity and strength of opacity boundaries
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Outline Adds a colorizable outline
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Outline.noprefs Adds a colorizable outline
org.inkscape.effect.filter.PointEngraving Convert image to a transparent point engraving
org.inkscape.effect.filter.PointEngraving.noprefs Convert image to a transparent point engraving
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Posterize Poster and painting effects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.PosterizeBasic Simple posterizing effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.PosterizeBasic.noprefs Simple posterizing effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Posterize.noprefs Poster and painting effects
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Quadritone Replace hue by two colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Quadritone.noprefs Replace hue by two colors
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Roughen Small-scale roughening to edges and content
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Roughen.noprefs Small-scale roughening to edges and content
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Silhouette Repaint anything visible monochrome
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Silhouette.noprefs Repaint anything visible monochrome
org.inkscape.effect.filter.SimpleBlend Simple blend filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.SimpleBlend.noprefs Simple blend filter
org.inkscape.effect.filter.snow Snow has fallen on object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.snow.noprefs Snow has fallen on object
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Solarize Classic photographic solarization effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Solarize.noprefs Classic photographic solarization effect
org.inkscape.effect.filter.SpecularLight Basic specular bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.SpecularLight.noprefs Basic specular bevel to use for building textures
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Tritone Create a custom tritone palette with additional glow, blend modes and hue moving
org.inkscape.effect.filter.Tritone.noprefs Create a custom tritone palette with additional glow, blend modes and hue moving
org.inkscape.effect.filter.WaxBump Turns an image to jelly
org.inkscape.effect.filter.WaxBump.noprefs Turns an image to jelly
org.inkscape.effect.func-plot Function Plotter
org.inkscape.effect.func-plot.noprefs Function Plotter
org.inkscape.effect.grid Draw a path which is a grid
org.inkscape.effect.grid.noprefs Draw a path which is a grid
org.inkscape.effect.guides-creator Guides creator
org.inkscape.effect.guides-creator.noprefs Guides creator
org.inkscape.effect.image-attributes Set Image Attributes
org.inkscape.effect.image-attributes.noprefs Set Image Attributes
org.inkscape.effect.param-curves Parametric Curves
org.inkscape.effect.param-curves.noprefs Parametric Curves
org.inkscape.effects.edge3d Edge 3D
org.inkscape.effects.edge3d.noprefs Edge 3D
org.inkscape.effects.perfect-bound-cover Perfect-Bound Cover Template
org.inkscape.effects.perfect-bound-cover.noprefs Perfect-Bound Cover Template
org.inkscape.effect.voronoi Voronoi Diagram
org.inkscape.effect.voronoi.noprefs Voronoi Diagram
org.inkscape.file.pre-process Pre-Process File Save As...
org.inkscape.file.pre-process.noprefs Pre-Process File Save As...
org.inkscape.filter.add-nodes Add Nodes
org.inkscape.filter.add-nodes.noprefs Add Nodes
org.inkscape.filter.alphabet-soup Alphabet Soup
org.inkscape.filter.alphabet-soup.noprefs Alphabet Soup
org.inkscape.filter.dashit Convert to Dashes
org.inkscape.filter.dashit.noprefs Convert to Dashes
org.inkscape.filter.embed-image Embed Images
org.inkscape.filter.embed-image.noprefs Embed Images
org.inkscape.filter.fractalize Fractalize
org.inkscape.filter.fractalize.noprefs Fractalize
org.inkscape.filter.interp-att-g Interpolate Attribute in a group
org.inkscape.filter.interp-att-g.noprefs Interpolate Attribute in a group
org.inkscape.filter.jitter-nodes Jitter nodes
org.inkscape.filter.jitter-nodes.noprefs Jitter nodes
org.inkscape.filter.markers-stroke-paint Color Markers
org.inkscape.filter.markers-stroke-paint.noprefs Color Markers
org.inkscape.filter.multiple.extract-image Extract Images
org.inkscape.filter.multiple.extract-image.noprefs Extract Images
org.inkscape.filter.nice-chart NiceCharts
org.inkscape.filter.nice-chart.noprefs NiceCharts
org.inkscape.filter.number-nodes Number Nodes
org.inkscape.filter.number-nodes.noprefs Number Nodes
org.inkscape.filter.pixel-snap PixelSnap
org.inkscape.filter.pixel-snap.noprefs PixelSnap
org.inkscape.filter.restack Restack
org.inkscape.filter.restack.noprefs Restack
org.inkscape.filter.segment-straightener Straighten Segments
org.inkscape.filter.segment-straightener.noprefs Straighten Segments
org.inkscape.generate.grid-polar Polar Grid
org.inkscape.generate.grid-polar.noprefs Polar Grid
org.inkscape.generate.path-along-path Pattern along Path
org.inkscape.generate.path-along-path.noprefs Pattern along Path
org.inkscape.generate.pdf-latex Formula (pdflatex)
org.inkscape.generate.pdf-latex.noprefs Formula (pdflatex)
org.inkscape.generate.printing-marks Printing Marks
org.inkscape.generate.printing-marks.noprefs Printing Marks
org.inkscape.guillotine Guillotine
org.inkscape.guillotine.noprefs Guillotine
org.inkscape.jessyink.add-mouse-handler Mouse handler
org.inkscape.jessyink.add-mouse-handler.noprefs Mouse handler Auto-texts Auto-texts
org.inkscape.jessyink.jessyink-effects Effects
org.inkscape.jessyink.jessyink-effects.noprefs Effects
org.inkscape.jessyink.key-bindings Key bindings
org.inkscape.jessyink.key-bindings.noprefs Key bindings
org.inkscape.jessyink.master-slide Master slide
org.inkscape.jessyink.master-slide.noprefs Master slide
org.inkscape.meshes.mesh-to-path Mesh-Gradient to Path
org.inkscape.meshes.mesh-to-path.noprefs Mesh-Gradient to Path
org.inkscape.meshes.path-to-mesh Path to Mesh-Gradient
org.inkscape.meshes.path-to-mesh.noprefs Path to Mesh-Gradient
org.inkscape.output.export-slices Export Layer Slices
org.inkscape.output.export-slices.noprefs Export Layer Slices
org.inkscape.path.envelope Envelope
org.inkscape.path.envelope.noprefs Envelope
org.inkscape.path.path-scatter Scatter
org.inkscape.path.path-scatter.noprefs Scatter
org.inkscape.path.rubber-stretch Rubber Stretch
org.inkscape.path.rubber-stretch.noprefs Rubber Stretch To Absolute To Absolute
org.inkscape.qr-code QR Code
org.inkscape.qr-code.noprefs QR Code
org.inkscape.render.barcode Classic
org.inkscape.render.barcode.noprefs Classic
org.inkscape.render.calendar Calendar
org.inkscape.render.calendar.noprefs Calendar Datamatrix Datamatrix
org.inkscape.render.draw-from-triangle Draw From Triangle
org.inkscape.render.draw-from-triangle.noprefs Draw From Triangle
org.inkscape.render.foldable-box Foldable Box
org.inkscape.render.foldable-box.noprefs Foldable Box
org.inkscape.render.grid-cartesian Cartesian Grid
org.inkscape.render.grid-cartesian.noprefs Cartesian Grid
org.inkscape.render.grid-isometric Isometric Grid
org.inkscape.render.grid-isometric.noprefs Isometric Grid
org.inkscape.render.poly-3d 3D Polyhedron
org.inkscape.render.poly-3d.noprefs 3D Polyhedron
org.inkscape.render.rack-gear Rack Gear
org.inkscape.render.rack-gear.noprefs Rack Gear
org.inkscape.render.wireframe-sphere Wireframe Sphere
org.inkscape.render.wireframe-sphere.noprefs Wireframe Sphere
org.inkscape.replace-font Replace font
org.inkscape.replace-font.noprefs Replace font
org.inkscape.stylesheet.merge-styles Merge Styles into CSS
org.inkscape.stylesheet.merge-styles.noprefs Merge Styles into CSS
org.inkscape.text.braille Convert to Braille
org.inkscape.text.braille.noprefs Convert to Braille
org.inkscape.text.extract Extract
org.inkscape.text.extract.noprefs Extract
org.inkscape.text.flip-case fLIP cASE
org.inkscape.text.flip-case.noprefs fLIP cASE
org.inkscape.text.lowercase lowercase
org.inkscape.text.lowercase.noprefs lowercase
org.inkscape.text.merge Merge
org.inkscape.text.merge.noprefs Merge
org.inkscape.text.random-case rANdOm CasE
org.inkscape.text.random-case.noprefs rANdOm CasE
org.inkscape.text.sentence-case Sentence case
org.inkscape.text.sentence-case.noprefs Sentence case
org.inkscape.text-split Split text
org.inkscape.text-split.noprefs Split text
org.inkscape.text.title-case Title Case
org.inkscape.text.title-case.noprefs Title Case
org.inkscape.text.uppercase UPPERCASE
org.inkscape.text.uppercase.noprefs UPPERCASE
org.inkscape.typography.layers-to-svg-font 3 - Convert Glyph Layers to SVG Font
org.inkscape.typography.layers-to-svg-font.noprefs 3 - Convert Glyph Layers to SVG Font 2 - Add Glyph Layer 2 - Add Glyph Layer View Next Glyph View Next Glyph
org.inkscape.typography.previous-layer View Previous Glyph
org.inkscape.typography.previous-layer.noprefs View Previous Glyph
org.inkscape.typography.setup-typography-canvas 1 - Setup Typography Canvas
org.inkscape.typography.setup-typography-canvas.noprefs 1 - Setup Typography Canvas
org.inkscape.typography.svg-font-to-layers Convert SVG Font to Glyph Layers
org.inkscape.typography.svg-font-to-layers.noprefs Convert SVG Font to Glyph Layers
org.inkscape.visualise.measure-length Measure Path
org.inkscape.visualise.measure-length.noprefs Measure Path
org.inkscape.webdesign.interactive-mockup Interactive Mockup
org.inkscape.webdesign.interactive-mockup.noprefs Interactive Mockup
org.inkscape.web.set-attribute Set Attributes
org.inkscape.web.set-attribute.noprefs Set Attributes
org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-group Set a layout group
org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-group.noprefs Set a layout group
org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-rect Create a slicer rectangle
org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-rect.noprefs Create a slicer rectangle
org.inkscape.web.slicer.export Export layout pieces and HTML+CSS code
org.inkscape.web.slicer.export.noprefs Export layout pieces and HTML+CSS code
org.inkscape.web.transmit-attribute Transmit Attributes
org.inkscape.web.transmit-attribute.noprefs Transmit Attributes
page-fit-to-selection Fit the page to the current selection or the drawing if there is no selection
paste-height Scale selection vertically to match the height of the copied object
paste-height-separately Scale each selected object vertically to match the height of the copied object
paste-path-effect Apply the path effect of the copied object to selection
paste-size Scale selection to match the size of the copied object
paste-size-separately Scale each selected object to match the size of the copied object
paste-style Apply the style of the copied object to selection
paste-width Scale selection horizontally to match the width of the copied object
paste-width-separately Scale each selected object horizontally to match the width of the copied object
path-break-apart Break selected paths into subpaths
path-combine Combine several paths into one
path-cut Cut the bottom path's stroke into pieces, removing fill
path-difference Create difference of selected paths (bottom minus top)
path-division Cut the bottom path into pieces
path-exclusion Create exclusive OR of selected paths (those parts that belong to only one path)
path-fill-between-paths Create a fill object using the selected paths
path-intersection Create intersection of selected paths
path-simplify Simplify selected paths (remove extra nodes)
path-split Split selected paths into non-overlapping sections
path-union Create union of selected paths
pattern-to-object Extract objects from a tiled pattern fill
query-all Query 'x', 'y', 'width', and 'height'
query-height Query 'height' value(s) of object(s)
query-width Query 'width' value(s) of object(s)
query-x Query 'x' value(s) of selected objects
query-y Query 'y' value(s) of selected objects
quit Quit Inkscape, check for data loss
quit-immediate Immediately quit Inkscape, no check for data loss
remove-path-effect Remove any path effects from selected objects
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-about-no-options-no-preferences About
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-about-no-options-no-preferences.noprefs About
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-area-area-fill-area-artefacts-ptg Area
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-area-area-fill-area-artefacts-ptg.noprefs Area
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-dxfpoints-no-options DXF Points
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-dxfpoints-no-options.noprefs DXF Points
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-engraving Engraving
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-engraving.noprefs Engraving
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-graffiti-orientation Graffiti
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-graffiti-orientation.noprefs Graffiti
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-lathe-lathe-modify-path-ptg Lathe
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-lathe-lathe-modify-path-ptg.noprefs Lathe
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-orientation-no-options-no-preferences Orientation points
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-orientation-no-options-no-preferences.noprefs Orientation points
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-plasma-prepare-path-no-options-no-preferences Prepare path for plasma
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-plasma-prepare-path-no-options-no-preferences.noprefs Prepare path for plasma
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-ptg Path to Gcode
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-ptg.noprefs Path to Gcode
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-tools-library-no-options-no-preferences Tools library
ru.cnc-club.filter.gcodetools-tools-library-no-options-no-preferences.noprefs Tools library
select Select by ID (deprecated)
select-all Select all; options
select-by-class Select by class
select-by-element Select by SVG element (e.g. 'rect')
select-by-id Select by ID
select-by-selector Select by CSS selector
select-clear Clear selection
select-invert Invert selection; options
selection-bottom Lower selection to bottom
selection-group Group selected objects
selection-hide Hide all selected objects
selection-link Add an anchor to selected objects
selection-lock Lock all selected objects
selection-lower Lower selection one step
selection-make-bitmap-copy Export selection to a bitmap and insert it into document
selection-raise Raise selection one step
selection-stack-down Move the selection down in the stack order
selection-stack-up Move the selection up in the stack order
selection-top Raise selection to top
selection-ungroup Ungroup selected objects
selection-ungroup-pop Pop selected objects out of group
selection-unhide Unhide all selected objects
selection-unhide-below Unhide all items inside selected objects
selection-unlock Unlock all selected objects
selection-unlock-below Unlock all items inside selected objects
select-list Print a list of objects in current selection
select-original Select the object to which the selected clone is linked
se.lewerin.filter.dimension Dimensions
se.lewerin.filter.dimension.noprefs Dimensions
system-data-directory Print system data directory and exit
text-convert-to-regular Convert flowed text to regular text object (preserves appearance)
text-flow-into-frame Put text into a frame (path or shape), creating a flowed text linked to the frame object
text-flow-subtract-frame Flow text around a frame (path or shape), only available for SVG 2.0 Flow text.
text-put-on-path Put text on path
text-remove-from-path Remove text from path
text-unflow Remove text from frame (creates a single-line text object)
text-unkern Remove all manual kerns and glyph rotations from a text object
transform-grow Grow/shrink selected objects
transform-grow-screen Grow/shrink selected objects relative to zoom level
transform-grow-step Grow/shrink selected objects by multiple of step value
transform-remove Remove any transforms from selected objects
transform-rotate Rotate selected objects by degrees
transform-scale Scale selected objects by scale factor
transform-translate Translate selected objects (dx,dy)
tutorial-advanced Advanced Inkscape topics
tutorial-basic Getting started with Inkscape
tutorial-calligraphy Using the Calligraphy pen tool
tutorial-design Principles of design in the tutorial form
tutorial-interpolate Using the interpolate extension
tutorial-shapes Using shape tools to create and edit shapes
tutorial-tips Miscellaneous tips and tricks
tutorial-tracing Using bitmap tracing
tutorial-tracing-pixelart Using Trace Pixel Art dialog
unhide-all Unhide all objects
unlock-all Unlock all objects
unselect Deselect by ID (deprecated)
unselect-by-id Deselect by ID
user-data-directory Print user data directory and exit
vacuum-defs Remove unused definitions (gradients, etc.)
window-close Close the active window, does not check for data loss
window-open Open a window for the active document; GUI only