Translations:Release notes/1.0/477/en

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New settings for the tool are available for tweaking the behavior of the PowerStroke LPE when it is being created with the Pencil tool (and a graphics tablet/stylus):

  • Use pressure input (in the tool controls bar): activates the PowerStroke feature, if a pressure sensitive device is available.
  • Min/Max (in the tool controls bar): determines the minimal and maximal stroke width (0–100%). This does not change the number of available pressure levels, but spreads them out in the available line width interval.
  • Caps (in the tool controls bar): choose between the options 'butt', 'square', 'round', 'peak' and 'zero width' for the end caps of the stroke.
  • Additionally, the PowerStroke LPE itself has been improved, to better work when used in this new way, see the section about LPE updates.