Revision as of 13:29, 12 February 2012 by Romain2Boss (talk | contribs) (Real name of this operation is "Google Summer of Code" (and not "Googles Summer Of Code"))
Thought a place to keep track of what I was planning to do was a good Idea. - Simarilius
* Add True poly mode to star tool - DONE * Add aux toolbars to expose functionality currently in tool options - DONE * Allow aux toolbars in shape contexts to modify shapes in selection - DONE * Tidy up aux toolbars - font size etc. - DONE * Add Cx and Cy spin buttons to all shape context aux toolbars (UPDATE: not as easy as it sounds, for these will have to have a unit selector, and will have to take into account the object's transform) * Add start and end angle spinbuttons, chord/segment checkbox for ellipse - DONE * Agg arg1 and arg2 spinbuttons for star (arg2 grayed out for polygon) * Add event handlers for focus etc to toolbar spin buttons. DONE * Add handles to contexts like bulia added to rect. - DONE * Add listeners to spin buttons so they update when handles used - DONE * Fix c/p of gradients between docs - DONE * Remove (or increase substantially) the limits on sides, revs etc from tools.(DONE -- bb) * Make sharpness spin button smarter (DONE -- bb) * Replace distance calcs with NR::LInfty(d) * fix tool tips - DONE * make defaults for star and spiral settable, take them from e.g., to be user-editable in the PreferencesDialog
fix that annoying Crash - DONE (by fred :D )
Multi Stop Gradient editor:
* check offset of stop before and after, and limit adjust to between those values. DONE * Make the spin update when you select a different stop DONE * add buttons to add stops - and add the callback to do it! DONE * add buttons to delete stops - and add the callback to do it! DONE * Make the stop list update when stop added / deleted. DONE * work out tidying the layout, ie making offset slider the right size. DONE * Add color sample for each stop to drop down menu, and make it update. DONE * Add listener so if something else modifies the stops (ie if their deleted in XML editor) it doesnt break the dialog. DONE * detect if a shape with a different grad is selected and update dialog accordingly. * Make new stops appear midway between existing rather than right next to current DONE * Add Notches to gradient preview * Make em dragable * Make preview right clickable to add/delete stops at mouse position.
Marker Stuff:
* Fix icons in existing code - add to iconfactory. - DONE by Carl H * add marker to def if not present, and apply to current selection. - DONE by both me and Carl, in different ways :) * Code drop downs which shows a list of markers available. - DONE * Import Markers from markers.svg to list - DONE * Import Markers into doc from marker.svg when selected - DONE * Create previews of markers for drop down. - DONE, bulia fixed my bodged attempt * Notice if a new marker is added * Enable easy creation of new markers. - Patch in tracker * Fix auto align on mid and end markers. - DONE Carl fixed the end, I got the middle :) * Fix the fact when you turn on mid it puts one on the start - DONE * Create some markers - DONE * Create a better method for handling stock items - DONE for markers, see \src\helper\stock-items.cpp
Pattern Fills:
* Add pane to paint selector widget - DONE * Add support for pattern mode to fill-style and stroke-style - DONE * Add UI to import Bitmaps to patterns in def - DONE * Add Dropdown listing patterns in doc - DONE * Add Previews to dropdown * Add pattern delete - Mentals garbage collection kinda handles this? * Add pattern offset (x+y) - per object - DONE * Add pattern rotation - per object - DONE * Add pattern scale - per object - DONE * Fix the fact some objects translate and some edit node positions. - Done by Bulia * Work out why SVG patterns render so weird, then fix it. - Done by Bulia * Add UI to create SVG pattern from selection - Done by Bulia * Enable any image in the doc to be used as a pattern - Done by Bulia (Alt-I)
More Marker stuff
* Make markers inherit style from parent line. (maybe dependant on an inkscape:inherit_col tag?)
Grid Arrange Dialog
* Implement a Dialog to arrange the selection in a grid pattern - DONE * Make it respond to changes in selection - DONE * Move to a tab in align dialog * allow sizing of rows and columns - DONE * deal with units stuff (spacing and row/column size) * fix the scatter affect if selections not aligned to begin. - DONE * Make OK not do anything if pressed twice. - DONE * fit into Selection BBox option - DONE & fixed :) * Make it sort the objects by pos rather than z order - DONE * allow some randomness in spacing * allow horizontal cell align (left, centre, right) - DONE * allow vertical cell align (top, centre, bottom) - DONE * allow some randomness in rotation? * reconfigure layout ala bulias mockup - 85% Done * redo gtkmm stuff to use bryces code - DONE * Fix sorting to preserve existing order - DONE * Fix weird numbers of rows on first opening dialog - DONE * sort out it wandering if you do fit to selection and align
Had some fun with gradients: upload:marbles_tut.svg
original non tut: upload:marbles.svg rounded edge rect : upload:rounded_rect_button.svg
example for kwikson : upload:4kwikson.svg
gradient weirdness: upload:weirdness.svg
example of interpolate : upload:interpolate.jpg
editable calligraphy thoughts - upload:callig_control.svg
perspective: upload:summer.jpg write up some suggestions for Google Summer of Code