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Justin's Effect Goals=

These are the effects that I will to develop in Inkscape

  • Discrete Gradient Fill- given a selection of objects and two colors, the effect will fill each object in a graded fashion i.e. given 3 circles and red,white as colors, the first circle will be filled red, the second pink, and the third white
  • Unit Subdivision generation (circular, triangular, cartesian, ruler ticks) - given a list of pairs that represent (division, width) it will create a grid with subdivisions of different widths (see a circular subdivision example)
  • Metcalfle Wheel generator - see an example
  • Path command input - a gui for creating/appending paths, such that users could input path data based on geometric co-ordinates rather than mouse input

GUI improvements for effects:

  • a screen-capture for co-ordinates (similar to the way spreadsheet program dialogues allow one to capture ranges by highlighting them on the spreadsheet)
  • color selector
  • drop-down menu with predefined svg shapes in it