GSOC2007 3D box tool

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Project description and purpose of this Wiki

Information on the project can be found at the accompanying website. Currently provided are a description of the intended functionality and a collection of further ideas (beyond the scope of GSoC). Implementation-related details will follow soon.

This Wiki on the other hand is intended to be a kind of 'bazaar of ideas'. People who are interested are warmly invited to share their thoughts. Feel free to add any ideas, ranging from the general functionality to implementation details. I started out with these two categories below, but please add further ones where appropriate.

Feature proposals

Pretty self-explanatory.

Implementation details

If you have ideas concerning the underlying maths, algorithms, class design, etc., this is the place to share it. Please bear in mind, however, that we are designing a tool for a 2D graphics application. This means that we are going to write a tool that behaves like it manipulates 3D objects, but most of the time the complete 3D information for the boxes and their corners (in particular, the precise value of the z-coordinate) won't be available. Instead, we will often need to fall back to information gained from the 2D canvas constellation of the corners and vanishing points. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to make approximations which lead to small deviations from the 'true' behaviour. Our aim is to preserve the right 'feeling' and to make these deviations as invisible as possible.