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Usage status

This table lists C++11 features and whether they can be used in Inkscape or not (yet). Add C++11 features that you would like to use to the table, so that we know what to test for to increase the C++11 "allowance".

Feature Can use? Comment
std::unique_ptr<> from 0.93 Replaces boost::scoped_ptr<> and std::auto_ptr<>
std::shared_ptr<> from 0.93 Replaces boost::shared_ptr<>
std::unordered_*<> from 0.93 Replaces the hack in util/unordered-containers.h
auto (type inference) from 0.93
enum class not yet Strong enum constants (take the name of the enum, can't be implicitly converted to int)
range-based for from 0.93 Concise for loops with containers (Python alike)
lambda functions not yet In-place definitions for small functions
constructor delegation not yet Reduces boilerplate when an object has many constructors
right angle brackets in templates not yet Fixes coding style oddity
async, futures not yet Allows easy multithreading
std::initializer_list not yet Easier container initialization/assignation and implicit constructor calls
constexpr ? Additional meanings in C++14/C++17
toxic feature of doom NO Never use this (in case we stumble upon C++11 features that we really don't like)

Platform status

We need to keep coordinated with the section on Distro Dependencies.

Also see this page:

Note that __cplusplus is always 1 for GCC 4.6 that is used on Windows. So #if __cplusplus < 201103L or variants does not work to choose between C++03 or C++11 code.

C++11 is well supported by all major compilers (MSVC has only partial support for constexpr). In fact C++14 and C++17 are also well supported by all platforms we support.

Compiler version when feature complete:

C++11 4.8 (2014) 3.1 (2013) (3.3 for local thread storage and inheriting constructors) 19 (except C99 preprocessor and constexpr)
C++14 5 (2015) 3.4 (2013) 19 (2017) (19.1 for member initializers)
C++17 7 (2017) 4 (2017) (5 for constexpr lambda expressions) 19.14 (2017)
C++2a 10* 10* 19.22#

'*' Mostly complete '#' About half complete