Launchpad Entry: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/inkscape/+spec/spray-tool
This tool allows "painting" of motifs on the canvas. When clicking and dragging, several copies are scattered following the drawn stroke. Controls to adjust scaling, rotation, color (HSLO) and the randomness (or limits) of each parameter should be made available. The radius of the tool controls the main active zone where the copies will be drawn. The described controls set how the copies vary. The result could be:
- Copies.
- Clones (shift+D would point the original).
- Everything is rendered to a single-path object. Having a selected object would ADD to it.
The motifs are taken from the clipboard but some default shapes could be provided (like a circle, a square, a snow flake...). Some of the UI elements keep similarities with the Tweak tool.
Release Note
Pajarico's proposal
Other options...
- Scaling: Define how object's scale should vary.
- Rotation: Define how object's rotation should vary.
- Color: Define how object's color should vary. Settings for controlling HSLO.
The above settings variation are controlled by:
- Randomness: Define to which extent the attributes above should vary randomly.
- Limits: Min and max values for the variation. E.g.:
- For scaling: max: 110%, min: 80%
- For rotation: max: 180º, min: 30º (values between 0 and 360º)
- For color: Two user-selected colors are compared in HSL values, according to what is set on the HSLO buttons, the sprayed items color will be between their H, S, L and/or O attributes.
For example:
- Setting a non-zero value for randomness and limits max: 180º, min: 30º would rotate the objects randomly only between 30 and 180º.
- Use path: Use an already drawn path as a guide for spraying using current settings.
Steren's proposal
Here is the link between the randomness number and the actual distribution :