Difference between revisions of "InkSlide"

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Line 45: Line 45:
*Verbatim code display
*Verbatim code display
*Simple image inclusion
*Simple image inclusion
  * currently you can do this using the Inkscape editing features
**currently you can do this using the Inkscape editing features
*more helper tool to make PNG and PDF versions of slides
*more helper tool to make PNG and PDF versions of slides
*configuring / using a directory for edited slides
*configuring / using a directory for edited slides

Revision as of 15:48, 17 October 2007

InkSlide - quick and easy presentations using Inkscape

InkSlide produces slides like this:


from simple text input like this:

%slide InkSlide: Features
Features include wrapped top level text and
            of wrapped bulleted lists with bullets and font
information taken from the template file.

Slide specific content like this:

which is updated when the template changes.

An Inkscape file is used as a template file to define the background, title position and font, fonts and positions for text at different levels of indentation, groups to be cloned and used as bullets, etc.

Content specific to a particular slide can also be created in Inkscape, this content merged with the template and text input to make the final slide, so changes to the template after a particular slide is edited in Inkscape are included.


Copy the text below into a file called 'inkslide.py'.


python inkslide.py myTemplate.svg mySlides.txt

This creates a slide00xx.svg for each slide in your presentation.

How it works

To do / status

InkSlide is very usable, but is missing some features:

  • Inline text formatting (bold, color, etc.) for part of a piece of text
  • Justification switching
  • Verbatim code display
  • Simple image inclusion
    • currently you can do this using the Inkscape editing features
  • more helper tool to make PNG and PDF versions of slides
  • configuring / using a directory for edited slides


  • There may be an issue with the way slide specific content is merged into the template producing conflicting @id attributes, but I haven't seen this happen yet.


Terry Brown, terry-n-brown@yahoo.com - but use underscore, not '-'.


# inkslide.py $Id$
# Author: Terry Brown
# Created: Thu Oct 11 2007

import lxml.etree as ET

import copy
import subprocess
import os.path

NS = { 'i': 'http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape',
       's': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
       'xlink' : 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'}

# number of defined tablevels, FIXME, could derive from template?
tabLevels = 4  
def clearId(x, what='id', NS={}):
    """recursively clear @id on element x and descendants"""
    if what in x.keys():
        del x.attrib[what]
    for i in x.xpath('.//*[@%s]'%what, NS):
        del i.attrib[what]
    return x
def getDim(fn, Id, what):
    """return dimension of element in fn with @id Id, what is
    x, y, width, height
    cmd = ('inkscape', '--without-gui', '--query-id', Id, '--query-'+what, fn)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
                            stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
    # make new pipe for stderr to supress chatter from inkscape
    return proc.stdout.read()
def textReader(text):
    """iterate parts in input text"""
    if not text: return
    for line in text.split('\n'):
        if line.startswith('%slide '):
            yield {'type':'TITLE', 's':line[7:].strip()}
        if line.startswith('%pause'):
            yield {'type':'PAUSE'}
        if line.startswith('%id '):
            yield {'type':'ID', 's':line[4:].strip()}
        if not line.strip():
            yield {'type':'BLANK'}
        tabs = len(line) - len(line.lstrip('\t'))
        yield {'type':'TAB', 'tabs':tabs, 's':line.strip()}

nid = 0
def nextId():
    """return an unsed Id"""
    # FIXME, should inspect templat doc.
    global nid
    nid += 1
    return 'is'+str(nid)

def instanceFromTemplate(template, instance, text, pauseOk = True):

    slide = 0

    hlist = []
    doc0 = ET.parse(template)
    slideId = None
    for t in textReader(text):
        if t['type'] == 'ID':
            slideId = t['s']
        if t['type'] == 'TITLE':
            print t['s']
            if hlist:
                process(instance, doc0, hlist, slideId, slide)
                slide = slide + 1
                hlist = [t]
                doc0 = ET.parse(template)
                slideId = None
            dst = doc0.xpath('//s:g[@id="gr_title"]', NS)[0]
            src = doc0.xpath('//s:flowRoot[@id="fr_title"]', NS)[0]
            cpy = clearId(copy.deepcopy(src))
            Id = nextId()
            cpy.set('id', Id)
            cpy.xpath('s:flowPara',NS)[0].text = t['s']

        if t['type'] == 'PAUSE':
            if pauseOk:
                process(instance, doc0, hlist, slideId, slide)
                slide = slide + 1


        if t['type'] == 'BLANK':
        if t['type'] == 'TAB':
            dst = doc0.xpath('//s:g[@i:label="Texts"]', NS)[0]
            src = doc0.xpath('//s:flowRoot[@id="fr_tab%d"]' % t['tabs'], NS)[0]
            cpy = clearId(copy.deepcopy(src))
            Id = nextId()
            cpy.set('id', Id)
            cpy.xpath('s:flowPara',NS)[0].text = t['s']
    process(instance, doc0, hlist, slideId, slide)
def process(instance, doc0, hlist, slideId, slide):

    instance = instance.replace('%s', '%04d'%slide)
    doc0.write(file(instance, 'w'))

    bullDim = {}
    tabDim = {}
    for n in range(0,tabLevels):
        b = {}
        x = doc0.xpath('//*[@id="bu_%d"]'%n, NS)
        if x:
            # clearId(x[0], what='transform')
            for i in 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height':
                b[i] = float(getDim(instance, 'bu_%d'%n, i))
            bullDim[n] = b
        b = {}
        x = doc0.xpath('//*[@id="fr_tab%d"]'%n, NS)
        if x:
            # clearId(x[0], what='transform')
            for i in 'x', 'y', 'height':
                b[i] = float(getDim(instance, 'fr_tab%d'%n, i))
            tabDim[n] = b

    delta = 0.
    firstVert = True
    for n, i in enumerate(hlist):
        if hlist[n]['type'] in ['TITLE']:
            continue  # already in right place, not a vertical element

        hgt = 0
        if hlist[n-1]['type'] == 'BLANK':
            hgt = 30
            hgt = float(getDim(instance, hlist[n-1]['id'], 'height'))

        hgt += 5

        if firstVert:
            hgt = 0
            firstVert = False

        delta += hgt

        if hlist[n]['type'] == 'BLANK': continue

        tabs = hlist[n]['tabs']

        r = doc0.xpath('//s:flowRoot[@id="%s"]' % hlist[n]['id'], NS)[0]
        clearId(r, what='transform')
        r = r.xpath('.//s:rect', NS)[0]
        r.set('x', str(tabDim[tabs]['x']))
        y = tabDim[tabs]['y'] + delta
        #print '%s -> %s' % (str(r.get('y')), str(y))
        #print tabDim[tabs]['y']
        r.set('y', str(y))

        if (hlist[n]['type'] == 'TAB' and hlist[n]['tabs'] in bullDim
            and 'isDone' not in hlist[n]):
            hlist[n]['isDone'] = True
            dx = (tabDim[tabs]['x'] 
                  - bullDim[tabs]['x']
                  - 1.5*bullDim[tabs]['width']
            dy = (y 
                  + tabDim[tabs]['height'] / 2.
                  - bullDim[tabs]['y'] 
                  - bullDim[tabs]['height'] / 2.
            dst = doc0.xpath('//s:g[@i:label="Texts"]', NS)[0]
            #print y, tabDim[tabs]['height'], bullDim[tabs]['y'], bullDim[tabs]['height'], dy
            clone = ET.Element('svg:use')
            clone.set('transform', 'translate(%f,%f)' % (dx,dy))
            clone.set('{%s}href'%NS['xlink'], '#bu_%d'%tabs)
            #path = ET.Element('svg:path')
            #path.set('d', ('M %f,%f' + ' L %f,%f'*5 + ' z') % (
            #    bullDim[tabs]['x'], bullDim[tabs]['y'], 
            #    bullDim[tabs]['x']+20, bullDim[tabs]['y']+bullDim[tabs]['height']/2., 
            #    bullDim[tabs]['x'], bullDim[tabs]['y']+bullDim[tabs]['height'], 
            #    tabDim[tabs]['x'], tabDim[tabs]['y'], 
            #    tabDim[tabs]['x']+20, tabDim[tabs]['y']+tabDim[tabs]['height']/2., 
            #    tabDim[tabs]['x'], tabDim[tabs]['y']+tabDim[tabs]['height'], 
            #    ))

    # look for instance specific parts
    if slideId:
        f = instancePath(slideId)
        if os.path.isfile(f):
            comp = ET.parse(f)
            svg = doc0.xpath('//s:svg', NS)[0]
            g = "{%s}g"%NS['s']
            k = "{%s}label"%NS['i']
            for n, i in enumerate(svg.getchildren()):
                if i.tag == g and i.get(k, '').startswith('Instance'):
                    x = comp.xpath('//s:svg//s:g[@i:label="%s"]'%i.get(k), NS)
                    if x:
                        x = x[0]
                        cpy = clearId(copy.deepcopy(x))
                        svg[n] = cpy
            defs = comp.xpath('//s:svg/s:defs/*', NS)
            dst = doc0.xpath('//s:svg/s:defs', NS)[0]
            for d in defs:
                Id = d.get('id')
                current = doc0.xpath('//s:svg/s:defs/*[@id="%s"]'%Id, NS)
                if not current:
                    cpy = copy.deepcopy(d)

    doc0.write(file(instance, 'w'))
    return slideId
def instancePath(slideId, component = None):
    """return path to component for slide"""
    # return os.path.join(slideId, component)
    return slideId+'.svg'
def writeComponents(inkscapeFile, slideId):
    """write components from file for slide"""
    if not slideId: return
    doc0 = ET.parse(inkscapeFile)
    hasComponents = False
    for i in doc0.xpath('//s:svg//s:g', NS):
        k = "{%s}label"%NS['i']
        # print i.keys(),k
        if (k in i.keys() and i.get(k).startswith('Instance')):
            if len(i) > 0:
                hasComponents = True
                # ET.ElementTree(i).write(f)
    f = instancePath(slideId, 'components')
    if hasComponents:
        if (os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(inkscapeFile)) != 
            file(f, 'w').write(file(inkscapeFile).read())
        if os.path.isfile(f):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    instanceFromTemplate(sys.argv[1], 'slide%s.svg', file(sys.argv[2]).read())