Difference between revisions of "CompilingMacOsX"

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(Update homebrew instructions for gtk4)
(26 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
<span style="color:darkred;font-weight:bold">Section about MacPorts IS OUTDATED AND UNMAINTAINED!</span>
<span style="color:darkgreen;font-weight:bold">Section about HomeBrew IS UP TO DATE as of Oct 30, 2024</span>
= Using MacPorts =
= Using MacPorts =
If you can build successfully with MacPorts, please update this file and remove above comment.

<li>Install [http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/ Xcode tools] from the App Store
<li>Download and install [http://www.macports.org/ MacPorts]
<li>Download and install [http://www.macports.org/ MacPorts]
<li>Edit the MacPorts variants config (optional).
<li>Edit the MacPorts variants config (optional).
Line 8: Line 14:
<pre>-x11 +quartz</pre>
<pre>-x11 +quartz</pre>
<li>In Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) type
<li>In Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) type
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">sudo port selfupdate
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">sudo port install \
sudo port install \
    adwaita-icon-theme \
     cmake cairo boehmgc intltool libxslt lcms2 boost \
     boehmgc \
     poppler gsl adwaita-icon-theme gdl3 gtkmm3 libsoup \
    boost \
     cairo \
    ccache \
    cmake \
     double-conversion \
     double-conversion \
    gdl3 \
    gettext \
    gsl \
    gtkmm3 \
    gtk-osx-application-gtk3 \
    lcms2 \
    libsoup \
    libxslt \
    ninja \
    poppler \
    potrace \
    py-lxml \
    py-numpy \
     -x11 +quartz
     -x11 +quartz
<li>In Terminal, get Inkscape
<li>In Terminal, get Inkscape
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.com:inkscape/inkscape.git</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape.git</syntaxhighlight>
<li>And build inkscape
<li>And build inkscape
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Line 23: Line 45:
export PATH="$LIBPREFIX/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PATH="$LIBPREFIX/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

# where to build and install
# where to install
# where to build
mkdir build
mkdir build
cd build
cd build

cmake \
cmake \
    -G Ninja \

make install
ninja install
''Note: Using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ccache ccache] and [https://ninja-build.org/ ninja] is not required, but very common because it speeds up compilation.''
<li>Run Inkscape
<li>Run Inkscape
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Line 42: Line 71:

== Speed up Installation ==
= Using Homebrew =

You can use <code>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ccache ccache]</code> (<code>sudo port install ccache</code>) to speed up re-compilation.
Also, [https://ninja-build.org/ ninja] (<code>sudo port install ninja</code>) is a faster alternative to <code>make</code>.
* Xcode (AppStore)
Modify your call to <code>cmake</code> like this:
* Xcode command line tools (<code>xcode-select --install</code>)
* HomeBrew

cmake \
If you are using [https://brew.sh/ Homebrew] instead, you can still use the above guidelines with small modifications.
(Make sure you don't have any MacPorts stuff in your PATH.)
        -G Ninja \
        # more cmake options here
ninja install

== Troubleshooting ==
List of '''packages''' to install with brew
(for Inkscape on master branch using GTK4):

Linking fails with:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
brew install \
    adwaita-icon-theme \
    bdw-gc \
    boost \
    cairomm \
    ccache \
    cmake \
    double-conversion \
    gettext \
    gsl \
    gspell \
    gtkmm4 \
    gtksourceview5 \
    imagemagick \
    intltool \
    lcms2 \
    libomp \
    libsoup@2 \
    libxslt \
    ninja \
    pkg-config \
    poppler \

ld: framework not found -lCocoa
You may substitute <code>imagemagick</code> with <code>graphicsmagick</code>.

A patch like this should help (reverts part of
Some keg-only libraries need to be added to <code>$PKG_CONFIG_PATH</code>
[https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/commit/48e6c2ea4fc0245afc35cbbc6563804abf421ccd 48e6c2ea4f], see also
[https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/merge_requests/397 !397]):

<syntaxhighlight lang="diff">
Some libraries can cause trouble if they are picked up from the SDK instead of Homebrew (observed with <code>libxslt</code> and <code>libxml2</code>). Adding them to <code>$PKG_CONFIG_PATH</code> should fix this.
diff --git a/CMakeScripts/DefineDependsandFlags.cmake b/CMakeScripts/DefineDependsandFlags.cmake
index 4cb63aae80..7a0b5cbc75 100644
--- a/CMakeScripts/DefineDependsandFlags.cmake
+++ b/CMakeScripts/DefineDependsandFlags.cmake
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ pkg_check_modules(GTKSPELL3 gtkspell3-3.0)
    message(STATUS "Using GtkSpell 3")

= Using Homebrew =
Check out the source if you haven't already:

The Inkscape CI job uses homebrew, see [https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/blob/master/.gitlab-ci.yml#L51-71 .gitlab-ci.yml]
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape.git</syntaxhighlight>

= Misc =
Then <code>cd inkscape</code> and follow the steps below.

Tested with:
* M1 MacBook Air with macOS 11.6 and Inkscape 1.2-dev
* M2 MacBook Air with macOS 13.0.1 and Inkscape 1.2.1, 1.2.x from git.
* M2 Mac Mini with macOS 14.2 and Inkscape 1.4-dev. (After adding pkg-config.)
* VM with macOS 15.1 and Inkscape 1.5-dev (master branch)

== Extension Python modules  ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# use a clean Homebrew environment (optional)
export PATH="$LIBPREFIX/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

In case you are using a Python version installed through MacPorts do a search for both modules and install the ones suitable for the Python version activated within MacPorts.
# keg-only libraries
<pre>port search lxml numpy</pre>
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$LIBPREFIX/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libsoup@2/lib/pkgconfig"

For further info refer to the [[GettingEffectsWorking#on_Mac_OS_X|Getting Effects Working]] section of this wiki.
# prevent picking up libxslt and libxml2 from the (wrong) SDK
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libxslt/lib/pkgconfig"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig"

== Creating an .app bundle ==
# where to install

mkdir -p build
cd build

== Creating a disk image to distribute Inkscape ==
cmake \
    -G Ninja \

ninja install
= Links =
== User Examples ==
* [github.com/ipatch] | A recent '''2019''' collection of notes about building Inkscape from master using CMake + Ninja | [https://github.com/ipatch/homebrew-us-05/blob/master/inkscape/inkscape-building-for-macOS.md Notes]
* Adam Strzeleki has outlined some improvements to this process on the Inkscape [http://www.nabble.com/Inkscape-native-Mac-OS-X-build---look-improvements-td14733036.html email list]. See his screenshot from January 10, 2008 [http://www.nabble.com/attachment/14733036/1/Inkscape%20OSX%20PL.gif here].
* JiHO has a video of his builds [http://jo.irisson.free.fr/?p=34 here] and [http://jo.irisson.free.fr/?p=62 here].
* Mac OS X native (aqua), PPC-only, Tiger-only build of 0.47, can be retrieved here: [http://verkehrsplanung.com/Inkscape_aqua_PPC_047.zip]. NOT FOR PRODUCTIVE USE - JUST TESTING! - (Nevertheless I'm doing quite a bit productive work on it… (-;)

== Apple Documentation ==
* [http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPRuntimeConfig/BPRuntimeConfig.html Introduction to Runtime Configuration] Covers the Info.plist files, Preferences, Environment variables and has a list of the most important Properties that the Property List should contain.

== Packaging ==
If <code>$PREFIX/bin/inkscape</code> works when executed and you want to turn it into an app or a DMG, have a look at the files inside the <code>inkscape/packaging/macos</code> directory. More info can be found on upstream mibap:

* [http://www.sveinbjorn.org/platypus Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website] The author of Platypus, the Script Exec wrapper that launches the Inkscape binary.
* https://github.com/dehesselle/mibap
* [http://freespace.ausgamers.com/2005/02/creating-os-x-application-bundles-step.html  Creating OS X application bundles step by step] Covers the bundle concepts, copying libraries into the bundle, editing libraries with the install_name_tool, the Info.plist file and adding an icon.
* [http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/JavaLP/JavaToMac3/ Bringing your Java Application to Mac OS X] I would regard this a little dated, and the detail is (unsurprisingly) Java-related, but it is a gentle introduction to the role of the .app bundle and give a most clear account of how to create one.
* The [http://gimp-app.sourceforge.net/gimp.app.howto.txt Gimp .app Howto] This is a very bare document, and would be of little help to you if you were new to making packages. Note that it seems to refer to a more mature Clipboard technique and Online help than we currently have; and we ought to move to parity in these areas.

Follow the steps to install the toolset, package the app, and create a DMG. In case you use upstream mibap, you will get the app under <code>/Users/Shared/work/mibap-*/</code> and you will get a DMG file in the same place you ran <code>./build_inkscape.sh</code>.

=See also=
=See also=
* [[Tracking Dependencies]]
* [[Extension requirements]]
*[[Compiling Inkscape]]
*[[Compiling Inkscape]]
*[[Notes on Packaging for OS X]]
*[[Notes on Packaging for OS X]]
* https://github.com/valerioa/Inkscape-MacOS-Curated-Build
* https://github.com/valerioa/Inkscape-MacOS-Curated-Build
* [https://github.com/ipatch/homebrew-us-05/blob/master/inkscape/inkscape-building-for-macOS.md ipatch's collection of notes] about building Inkscape using Homebrew

[[Category:Developer Documentation]]
[[Category:Developer Documentation]]

Revision as of 02:45, 31 October 2024

Section about MacPorts IS OUTDATED AND UNMAINTAINED! Section about HomeBrew IS UP TO DATE as of Oct 30, 2024

Using MacPorts

If you can build successfully with MacPorts, please update this file and remove above comment.

  1. Download and install MacPorts
  2. Edit the MacPorts variants config (optional).
    Add this line to /opt/local/etc/macports/variants.conf
    -x11 +quartz
  3. In Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) type
    sudo port install \
         adwaita-icon-theme \
         boehmgc \
         boost \
         cairo \
         ccache \
         cmake \
         double-conversion \
         gdl3 \
         gettext \
         gsl \
         gtkmm3 \
         gtk-osx-application-gtk3 \
         lcms2 \
         libsoup \
         libxslt \
         ninja \
         poppler \
         potrace \
         py-lxml \
         py-numpy \
         -x11 +quartz
  4. In Terminal, get Inkscape
    git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape.git
  5. And build inkscape
    # use a clean MacPorts environment (optional)
    export PATH="$LIBPREFIX/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    # where to install
    # where to build
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake \
        -G Ninja \
    ninja install

    Note: Using ccache and ninja is not required, but very common because it speeds up compilation.

  6. Run Inkscape

Using Homebrew


  • Xcode (AppStore)
  • Xcode command line tools (xcode-select --install)
  • HomeBrew

If you are using Homebrew instead, you can still use the above guidelines with small modifications. (Make sure you don't have any MacPorts stuff in your PATH.)

List of packages to install with brew (for Inkscape on master branch using GTK4):

brew install \
    adwaita-icon-theme \
    bdw-gc \
    boost \
    cairomm \
    ccache \
    cmake \
    double-conversion \
    gettext \
    gsl \
    gspell \
    gtkmm4 \
    gtksourceview5 \
    imagemagick \
    intltool \
    lcms2 \
    libomp \
    libsoup@2 \
    libxslt \
    ninja \
    pkg-config \
    poppler \

You may substitute imagemagick with graphicsmagick.

Some keg-only libraries need to be added to $PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Some libraries can cause trouble if they are picked up from the SDK instead of Homebrew (observed with libxslt and libxml2). Adding them to $PKG_CONFIG_PATH should fix this.

Check out the source if you haven't already:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape.git

Then cd inkscape and follow the steps below.

Tested with:

  • M1 MacBook Air with macOS 11.6 and Inkscape 1.2-dev
  • M2 MacBook Air with macOS 13.0.1 and Inkscape 1.2.1, 1.2.x from git.
  • M2 Mac Mini with macOS 14.2 and Inkscape 1.4-dev. (After adding pkg-config.)
  • VM with macOS 15.1 and Inkscape 1.5-dev (master branch)
# use a clean Homebrew environment (optional)
export PATH="$LIBPREFIX/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

# keg-only libraries
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$LIBPREFIX/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libsoup@2/lib/pkgconfig"

# prevent picking up libxslt and libxml2 from the (wrong) SDK
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libxslt/lib/pkgconfig"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$LIBPREFIX/opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig"

# where to install

mkdir -p build
cd build

cmake \
    -G Ninja \

ninja install


If $PREFIX/bin/inkscape works when executed and you want to turn it into an app or a DMG, have a look at the files inside the inkscape/packaging/macos directory. More info can be found on upstream mibap:

Follow the steps to install the toolset, package the app, and create a DMG. In case you use upstream mibap, you will get the app under /Users/Shared/work/mibap-*/ and you will get a DMG file in the same place you ran ./build_inkscape.sh.

See also