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(Add Vectorstock)
(Add new Bronze sponsor)
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|Bronze Sponsor

Revision as of 22:35, 6 December 2018

Sponsor Type Link Joined Expires
Canonical Ltd. Infrastructure Sponsor https://www.canonical.com/ ? (long ago) Never (text may need to be adapted when we only use ppa)
CloudScale.ch Infrastructure Sponsor (Hosting) https://cloudscale.ch 2018-03-09 "this offer's not dollar or time limited" (bryce, board meeting 2018-01-05)
fastly.com Infrastructure Sponsor (CDN) https://fastly.com 2014-12-24 not as long as they sponsor us
GitLab Inc. Infrastructure Sponsor (Code hosting) https://gitlab.com February 2017 not as long as we use their services
Oregon State University Open Source Lab Infrastructure Sponsor (Hosting) https://osuosl.org/ ? (very long ago) not as long as we use their services
Software Freedom Conservancy Infrastructure Sponsor (Finances and Legal) http://sfconservancy.org/ ? (before January 2014) not as long as we are a member
Private Internet Access Platinum Sponsor https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/ 2017-09-13 2018-09-13
Advance Systems, Inc. Silver Sponsor https://advancesystemsinc.com/ 2016-12-09 2017-12-09
Betrugstest.com Silver Sponsor https://www.betrugstest.com/ 2017-09-13 2018-09-13
DealsLands UK Bronze Sponsor http://www.dealslands.co.uk/ 2017-06-21 2018-06-21
VectorStock Platinum Sponsor https://www.vectorstock.com/ 2018-11-25 2019-11-25
Néréide Bronze Sponsor https://www.nereide.fr/ 2018-12-06 2019-12-06