LWN Submission Guide

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Update 2005=03-07 by rejon

> Do you make the formatting software available for direct posting? Or, > should I continue to send emails as plain text?

Plain text works best. We just have a bit of internal code that not only formats a plain text email, it also puts it right into our database as an article, all in one command. Pretty slick for us, but not something that you could use.

Thanks, Rebecca

I just send them the PR announcement now plaintext like everyone else. -- rejon

Fill in ${VERSION} (e.g. 0.39), ${NODOT_VERSION} (e.g. 039), ${SIGNATURE} (your name or however you usually sign e-mails). Description of changes should be brief: see any ‘Development?link on http://lwn.net/Archives/ for examples.

To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: `Development' submission: Inkscape ${VERSION} released

Submission appended.  Let me know if you'd like any changes to the submission format
(Subject line, submission formatting), as we'll probably use the same template for the next release.


<p><div class="[[SummaryHeadline]]">Inkscape ${VERSION} released</div>
Version ${VERSION} of <a href="http://inkscape.org/">Inkscape</a>,
an SVG vector graphics editor, has been
<a href="http://inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleaseNotes${NODOT_VERSION}">released</a>.
"<span>This version supports markers (aka arrowheads), clones
(<code>svg:use</code>), pattern tiles; uses pango for better text
appearance; and has various other improvements.</span>"