Inkscape Development Roadmap
NOTE: This is a working document showing specific near-term tasks needed for achieving milestones. The number in front of the version is in reference to the milestone.
Milestones 0-9 have been completed since the start of the Inkscape Project. See OldRoadmap
Milestone 10 - RFE's & Extensions Implementation - Inkscape 0.44
New/Changed Dependencies
- (DONE) Add libcroco
- Implement extension API
- Implement extension registry
- Complete Extension preferences dialog
- (DONE) Reduce open/total RFE ratio to 55%
- masks/clippaths
- (DONE)Implement creation
- on-canvas editing
- Create an SPObject API for tracking references and avoiding id clashes on import and interdocument copy/paste. What we need are a void SPDocument::importCopies([set of SPObjects]), and an [set of SPObjects] SPObject::dependencies() method.
- Implement gradient UI "release" handler to deal with gradient garbage collection (see bug 984854)
- improvement of svg patterns UI - make it similar to gradient-drag, instead of piggybacking knotholder
- hyperlinking
- (DONE, in .43?) tools: add/remove points on path, bezier drag
- Learn and use autoscan and autoreconf to find out which configure tests are still needed.
- Clean up
- (PARTIALLY DONE) Directory Reorganization (rejon)
- When run without installing, make it look for icon image file(s) locally so we don't get garbage icons
- (DONE) Implement tests of Inkscape against the W3C test suite [rick beton, bryce]
- Include some rendering tests in `make check'.
Milestone 11 - Import/Export Feature Enhancements - Inkscape 0.45
- integrate Googles_Summer_Of_Code 2006 work, i.e. SVG Filters and formalising the protocol for inkboard communication
- Make printing work more efficiently and reliably
- Enhance file manager
- PDF Export
- Investigate ps2ai, pstoedit and ai2svg conversion options (potential EPS support?)
- Import of native Adobe Illustrator files
- Other RFE's related to Import/Export
- Add extension for use of VDX2SVG (
- Add extension for use of PDF2SVG ( - this doesn't actually link to a useful page)
- WebDAV/FTP support via GNOME-VFS, Neon, or the like
Milestone 12 - Style Refactoring - Inkscape 0.46
- Eliminate use of the style.h types in as much of codebase as possible, particularly display/*.
- Change to use of GQuarks instead of #defines where feasible
- Editable toolbars (libegg)
Milestone 13 - Bug Hunt & RFE's - Inkscape 0.47
- Reduce open/total RFE ratio to 40%
- Reduce open/total bug ratio to 5%
Milestone 14 - Drawing Feature Enhancements - Inkscape 0.48
- Object-to-object snapping
- (DONE) Markers
- Enhanced grid system
- Inter-application cut-and-paste
- Inter-application drag-and-drop
- Clipart manager GUI
- Hyperlinking (Dupe? This is in milestone 10, too)
- (DONE) Load-from-URL
Milestone 15 - Style Rewrite & libcroco - Inkscape 0.49
- Replace style.cpp entirely, with a clearer and cleaner version.
- (DONE) Integrate use of libcroco for handling Cascading Style Sheets.
- Palettes
(suggestion: having custom palletes, like from Gnome ) (suggestion: accuraced palettes from colour norms, like Pantone, Trumatch, Focoltone, Toyo, etc. (since lots of people uses it, specially professionally) - problem: some are patented/copyrighted, which seems each norm company like this must be contacted for authorization (?) - as well, is also an open-source colour norm standard welcome? (which works on both video/printing outputs, like Pantone seems to be?) )
Milestone 16 - Cairoification - Inkscape 0.50
- Prereq: Is renderer immune to the same kinds of numerical problems we see with our new renderer, libnr, or libart?
- Create a Cairo-based SVG Canvas library
Milestone 17 - Animation Conceptualization - Inkscape 0.51
- Prereq: We need a conceptualization of how it should work
- Currently, part of the concept discussion is at here
Milestone 18 - Fonts Revisited - Inkscape 0.52
- Reenable fuzzy font matching [bb]
- (DONE) Bidirectional text in Pango needs attention
- (DONE) MakeVertical in Pango needs attention
Milestone 19 - Palettes - Inkscape 0.53
- Implement LittleCMS as color management system
- (DONE) Create a swatches dialog
Milestone 20 - Full Animation Support - Inkscape 0.54
Milestone 21 - RFE's - Inkscape 0.55
- Reduce open/total RFE ratio to 30%
Milestone [Future]
- Investigate performance measurement testing for Inkscape
- Convert all tabs into spaces (convert tabs to 4 spaces)
- Rename all 'SPFooBar' routines to 'FooBar' and put into namespaces
- (DONE) dialogs folder
- Investigate SVG docs where SVG is not the default namespace used at the root -- e.g. <svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://...etc"><svg:rect.../><blah></svg:svg> -- <blah> would end up getting shoehorned into the svg namespace
- Write an Internal DTD subset describing the custom Inkscape XML elements, for validation against SVG DTD
- Ensure Inkscape does not throw away the internal DTD subsets of documents it reads
- Start thinking about 1.0 when major functionality gaps are closed ((BASICALLY DONE) layers, (DONE) color palette, (DONE) gradient tool, mask tool, (DONE) patterns, (DONE) text on path and in shape, (DONE) text selection, perspective transforms, SVG filters, scripting, path editing, shaped strokes)
- Implement preliminary support for iso & hex grid [njh]
- Implement perspective transformations via PerspectiveObject
- Improve freehand curve smoothness [pjrm, paraprax]
- Review X1-1GUITest on SF
- Review usability links at
- Review usability links at